The Chemtrail Atrocity Right Here in Greater Geelong
[Note: "Chemtrails" is layman's terminology for a technology referred to by scientists as SAI (stratospheric aerosol injection), SRM (solar radiation management) or more generally, as a form of "geoengineering". Former director of the CIA, John Brennan, discussed SAI technology quite openly in a speech for the Council on Foreign Relations in June 2016. See below.]
About mid November 2013 I began camping in a remote spot in the beautiful Victorian Alps. On December the 1st after having stayed there for about two weeks I noticed some jets flying overhead leaving long thick white trails across the sky. These trails were like nothing I have seen before emanating from jets or aircraft of any kind. They did not dissipate quickly but remained in the sky for up to hours, expanding out to form large expanses of a kind of hazy, stringy mess - and joining with other such trails to cover large sections of the sky, even rendering the whole visible sky overcast at times, from one end to the other. The sun would then be dimmed or hidden altogether behind this thickening haze, and as I observed it on days thereafter, particularly on days which started out bright blue and beautiful, it seemed to me that this artificially created cover was often a precursor to, and catalyst for further condensation and cloud formation attracted by it.
After about a week of this the jets moved further west beyond a mountain which made it impossible to observe them directly except on some occasions in the distance, but the effect of their trails was now unmistakable drifting in from the west and later again from whichever direction the weather was coming on the day in question. It was obvious that a particular area was being targeted because the direction from which the expanded trails were coming, indicating the location of the jet trail activity, was weather specific, with precisely that effect.
So, what has this to do with Geelong?
I returned from Gippsland to Geelong finally on December 17th. On that day as I was nearing the Lara turn-off on the highway I observed a huge white trail across the horizon which had apparently just been made. I was to watch this expand for the rest of the afternoon into the usual stringy mess I had been seeing for weeks whilst camping. Since that day I have observed over the skies of Geelong (to at least some extent), the exact phenomena I have described above, on a regular even daily basis. On one or two occasions I have actually seen the jets making the trails, but more often than not they remain out of view - though again, the location of their activity seems to coincide significantly (and ominously) with the oncoming weather......
What are the authorities saying about this?
Before I returned to Geelong I stopped in at the Department of Environment and Primary Industries office in Gippsland to ask them for an explanation. They claimed, a few days later, to be unaware of any aerial aerosol spraying over the National Park (where I had camped) for the weeks previous to my inquiry, nor could Parks Victoria shed any further light on the matter apparently - the DEPI had included them in their enquiries. I was also furnished by email with a lot of nonsense about RAAF flight schedules and natural cloud formations, and irrelevant meteorological data designed, I think, to impress and intimidate the casual observer by passing for science actually pertinent to the issue at hand – which it clearly wasn't. So I decided to prolong my stay in the area taking the trouble to film these jets making their trails in another location not far from my initial camping spot. Some of these recordings I then forwarded to the DEPI thinking that this time I might get something like an intelligent response. What I got a couple of weeks later, though undoubtedly more to the point, was hardly satisfactory. Here are a couple of excerpts from the DEPI email:
“As stated in the history of aerial industry section, the different types of aircraft used in Australia[for aerosol spraying] are either small fixed wing planes or helicopters. These types of aircraft allow for greater control to get to their target whilst spraying or spreading.”
And then significantly, I think:
“The particular area of Gippsland you have been camping in is under the flight path of Commercial Airlines from Melbourne to New Zealand. I have provided some maps of these paths to indicate where the jets are flying.”
The flight maps provided were for Air New Zealand and Qantas Airlines.
For actual video footage of jets identified by flight radar as Qantas flights QF63 and QF64 dumping on Greater Geelong, here are three YouTube clips uploaded by Allan Spencer:
“Chemtrail Terrorism over Geelong”
“Chemtrail and HAARP Terrorism over Geelong. 14th Oct. 2012”
“Chemtrails and HAARP Terrorism over Geelong 3rd Sept,2012”
(Please note: links to the above videos are provided here for illustrative purposes only. The conclusions expressed therein regarding the complicity of possible suspects are not the result of research/investigation undertaken by the present author.)
OK, so according to the DEPI the jets I observed and filmed were presumably commercial aircraft. (Though frankly, due to the erratic, even puerile or lunatic flight behaviour of some of them, I have serious doubts about whether they were commercial passenger-carrying craft in all cases.) I contacted next the EPA Victoria and was told (I kid you not) that such air pollution was not their domain since it did not originate from the ground, and was referred by these clowns to Air Services Australia instead. To cut a long story short ASA then gave me what I have since learned to be the official explanation for these trails. ('Official explanation', by the way, means the one given for them when the 'officials' in question have been cornered sufficiently long enough to even acknowledge their existence.)
What are Contrails?
Contrails are what everyone is used to seeing at some time or another emanating from jets at high altitude, namely water vapour condensing on sulphur and water particles emitted by the engines, which then freeze at the sub-zero high altitude temperatures to form distinctive short-lived white (ice) trails. But now we are told, by the latest ASA 'fact' sheet (13-074FAC – Contrails what are they?) that they have acquired some additional features as well, contrary to all actual observations in the past by those of us who are still known to cast an eye skyward now and then, namely that:
“they can last for hours, spreading out with air turbulence sometimes reaching several kilometres in width and 200 to 400 metres in height ….... this means that they can develop into extensive cirrus clouds that are indistinguishable from natural occurring clouds.”
How convenient. (I mean even if this alone were true it is alarming enough!)
Unfortunately for these automaton-like disinformation disseminators there are still a significant number of us with sufficient memory recall to know that while this latter description does indeed describe the present state of affairs for some of the jets flying over our heads, it has only been the case, extensively anyway, for a relatively short space of time (perhaps a few years or so in Australia, longer in other places like the US) and indicates clearly a change in the apparatus of the jets themselves. (In fact many visual documenters with telescopic lenses have photographed or filmed these jets close up showing that the trails are emanating at least part of the time from places other than the engine system. Click here for an interesting collection of clips filmed from inside what appear to be commercial jets showing spraying apparatus on wings that seem to confirm this.) Of course one might prefer to believe, for instance, the ASA fact sheet's suggestion that atmospheric conditions like humidity changed naturally, though radically and permanently, over the Victorian Alps on December 1st, and elsewhere at other times, effecting somehow a corresponding change in the jet trail phenomena, but this is ludicrous. Moreover it is demonstrably false – there exists, for example, crystal clear video footage taken in the Northern territory here showing two planes simultaneously making trails against the one blue sky: one the usual everyday contrail, the other the hazy, stringy, expanding type that sticks around a while. Different trails, same conditions.......there goes that 'theory'.
Let me assure you of this: I DID NOT, when camping in the Victorian Alps in late 2013, observe these expanding, cloud-forming, so-called 'contrails' at all, at that location, in the weeks prior to December 1st when the weather was normal. (Nor did I observe them in the two previous years when I have camped in the identical spot for several weeks at more or less the exact same time of the year.) Also note that it would be impossible to have overlooked this phenomena prior to that date – anyone who has done any serious camping will tell you that sky watching is something one does continually and automatically both day and night as a matter of course. It's not like living in suburbia where we are more or less cut off from such things most of the time. Which is perhaps what the perpetrators of this crime are counting on.
Even if we were to theorise that a whole squadron of commercial jets suddenly changed their flight paths on December 1st, that cannot account for the fact that quite simply these new gigantic cirrus cloud 'contrails' have never been observed anywhere at all by anyone (with anything like sound recall) in the skies over Australia or anywhere else, at least not extensively, and certainly not at all by the present writer, until quite recently.
Contrails or Chemtrails? What are they really?

Of the chemical suspects, some are among those stipulated for use in weather/atmosphere modification techniques and hare-brained geoengineering schemes known to exist - officially only in highly specialized and localized applications (such as military or 'precipitation enhancement' ones for example) in the former case, and as hypothetical, future 'possibilities' in the latter..... but you be the judge. This much is certain: most heavy metals and their compounds are toxic to life, in any or relatively small quantities, and especially in easily inhaled nano-particulate form (a nanometre is a billionth of a metre). Increased incidences of respiratory illnesses and even respiratory mortality rates have been reported in places where observed aerosol spraying has been contemporaneously heavy and extensive. This is in addition to reported increases in other diseases and neurological disorders related or connected to heavy metal content in the brain or body such as Alzheimer's (aluminium), for instance. And there is hard, scientific evidence taken from places where these trails have been observed for extended periods of time, to support the suspicions of investigators regarding their toxic, chemical nature.
Update January 2017: I have been abroad for some months now but have heard reports from Australia of the hitherto unheard of "Thunderstorm asthma" outbreak that has this summer taken the lives of many and hospitalised many others (including those with no history of respiratory problems), pushing emergency services beyond capacity. I have not had time to look into this too deeply, apart from reading an article or two from the usual liars/lackeys/asses, who I gather, are peddling the line that the phenomenon is caused by pollen particles made tiny enough to enter lungs by fierce air turbulence. Never mind that it has never been a problem before, or that scientists have conceded that there have been in the past, and continue to be, ample cases of high pollen counts and thunderstorm activity occurring simultaneously with no such effect. Needless to say the mainstream media will not be considering the possibility that an atmosphere loaded deliberately (in recent times) with nano-particles of toxic heavy metal aerosols could have anything to do with the sudden outbreak of inexplicable and deadly respiratory ailments. But then of course that would amount to mass murder wouldn't it?........
Californian anti-geoengineering activist, Dane Wigington, explains the 'Contrail' deception in the following clip: 'High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines, Geoengineering, And The Contrail Lie'
For in depth investigations into this in the US, watch the excellent and informative documentaries listed here - they are all, as I write this, viewable on YouTube.
For a pdf of Queenslander Mike Scott's rainwater sample laboratory analysis click here. For his comments click here.
For a pdf of Queenslander Edward Everett's rainwater sample laboratory analysis click here.
For a pdf explaining and clarifying the two Queensland lab reports click here.
For an article by Dr Russell Blaylock describing the effects of inhaled nano-particulates of aluminium on our brains (including Alzheimer's disease) and respiratory systems click here. For more by Dr Blaylock go to the Suggested Online Info page.
For more on weather modification try the links for Dr Nick Begich and HAARP technology also on the Suggested Online Info page.
Note: Some investigators prefer the term "persistent contrails" to "chemtrails" arguing that all jet trails are in fact chemical trails, since even non-persistent contrails are the condensation effect of water vapour on jet exhaust chemicals. The key difference therefore is the nature of the chemicals which constitute the basis of the trails. For the purpose of the discussion contained in this website I will use the more well-known term "chemtrail" (rather than "persistent contrail") to mean specifically those trails consisting of chemicals in addition to and/or independent of normal jet exhaust chemicals. But please understand that the two terms are interchangeable.
Government and mainstream media are not telling the truth about this.
That there is a highly organised and extensive effort being made to spray something in our skies on a regular basis, which is contributing to dramatic weather modification, at the very least, here in Geelong and elsewhere around Australia and the world, is beyond reasonable doubt - yet our government is either ignorant of the fact or is lying to us deliberately about it. Which is worse then? – blind incompetence or deliberate deceit? Neither is fit to govern. (Please understand, this has nothing to do with petty two party politics.) The mass media is also failing to tell the public the truth, if not flagrantly suppressing, distorting or deriding it. One group of people trying peacefully to get answers directly from airline pilots at Sydney airport (they were apparently obstructed from doing so for no good reason by federal police) had their 'IQs' and character called into question by scoffing police and media, but their questions unanswered. The fact is that the perpetrators of this crime must indeed have great contempt for our intelligence if they think we are going to accept their absurd, official explanations. And if we do, frankly they're right. The answer is not to wait for the truth from sources where clearly there is none (and never has been truth be told), and go find it yourself.
What is really important is that we begin simply asking the questions: what are they spraying on us? And who exactly are they? That's a good start. We cannot expect answers until we begin to ask questions. And that means using our own eyes and ears and independent minds to inform ourselves about what is going on around us - not simply allowing ourselves to be continually and hypnotically swayed or shaken by the first piece of government disinformation, mass media scoff-evasion or sports/entertainment misdirection that comes along. We need to unplug our brains permanently from the perception management machine, which is actually mismanagement, and we need to do it now – because the situation is becoming critical. Chemtrails, for example, are happening literally in broad daylight before our very eyes and the vast majority of us are apparently oblivious to it, or have dismissed it peremptorily as some kind of quack theory only, without any real, autonomous and independent inquiry of our own; what could be a clearer indication of the woeful state of our perception faculties? In short, we need to rediscover our ability to think and perceive for ourselves without depending blindly on the mass media or the authorized 'experts' to do it for us.
For the article (in pdf) "Back To Word of Mouth – Powerful Interactive Learning versus Sophisticated Mind Control" click here.
For the article (in pdf) "Relating to Reality (And its importance to psychological soundness)" click here.
For the in depth article "The Sex Deception (A Young Man's Guide)" click here.
For the article "The Money trap: Do I Need To Be A Slave To Money? (Applying the Scientific Method to the Question of Liberty)" click here.
Geelong Weather Forecast: Cloudy Until Further Notice.
Try this for example: make a note of the weather forecast a few days in advance and/or first thing in the morning, the earlier the better. Then, and especially on days when the forecast is 'clear' or 'mostly clear', check to see if it actually turns out that way, making a note of how often it does and doesn't. Certain trends go beyond mere forecasting error.
On the other hand there is always the possibility that the forecasts themselves are affected/compromised - one, as a result of the physical effects (and associated continuity) of increased and widespread aerosols in the atmosphere, and secondly because weather forecasting (and meteorological information in general) is after all, an information service, and information can be compromised - see the talk "The Chemtrails Cover-up" by Rosalind Peterson on the Suggested Online Info page for more on this.
Furthermore, weather modification can be made less apparent by subtle emphasising or exaggerating of natural weather patterns, rather than transforming them altogether. Natural clouds can provide cover for a multitude of not so natural activity and the forecast "cloudy" or "partly cloudy" or even "mostly sunny" is not ostensibly or technically contradicted by some extra 'cloudiness' thrown in. Thus forecast monitoring may not always be as enlightening as one might hope.
Nonetheless we have still the observable peculiarity of the weather patterns themselves to go by.
Do you know for example, that between the 17th December 2013 and the 25th January 2014 inclusive there were only a few days in Geelong that were not more or less completely overcast for significant parts of the day? - that was the middle of Summer, keep in mind. On the other hand, Sunday the 23rd of February of that same Summer, was a completely cloudless Summer day from morning to night. It was the only one that month.
Do you know that there was not one truly clear day in March or April in 2014? Not one. And almost all of them were significantly overcast for much of the time. In fact May 8th was the only truly clear day we had in an otherwise incredibly cloudy and overcast Autumn of 2014.
I was away from Geelong from mid-June until late October 2014, but kept my eye on the sky after my return. The pattern continued even in the late Spring and throughout the Summer of 2014/2015, which in fact was barely a Summer at all, was it?
Do you remember what a natural sky looks like? I mean, it was less than three years ago that we had a relatively spray-free one, for goodness sake! Are you even noticing any of this? Because, after all, if we fail to notice starkly obvious sky and weather anomalies in Summer and Autumn, what hope have we of noticing anything amiss in the Winter when cloudiness is more to be expected? We can only look up and guess what might be going on unchecked high above the visible cloud cover. Yet even on cloudy days, if we are willing to look up and see the obvious, the evidence of weather modification is unmistakable.
Update 26th August 2015: can anyone in their right mind even attempt now to deny that there is something seriously wrong going on in our skies? I was overseas for most of the Autumn of 2015, but since my return in early May there have not been any clear days over the Greater Geelong and Werribee region at all. Not any. There is always at least some kind of something passing for clouds floating about. Even in Winter that is statistically impossible. It is utterly disgusting when you know what is happening. And days that are not completely overcast more or less all day are now the stark exception to the relentlessly cloudy rule. Is it really possible that there are still those in denial about this? Is it really possible that we are just going to take this and do nothing? What are we gentlemen, I ask you? Are we even men at all? Or are we so degraded and demoralized as to no longer be worthy of the name....?
Update February 2016: I have been absent from Geelong since the end of last Winter, arriving back at the beginning of February, only to find again the same pattern of overcast skies and exaggerated cloud cover. From the 7th of February to the 28th there has not been one clear day. The madness continues.
Update Winter 2016: the gloom continues. Another statistically impossible three months - it is now mid-August and there has not been one fully clear day over Geelong since at least mid-May.
On the afternoon of the 19th February 2014, a freak storm hit Geelong coming down literally in buckets for about twenty minutes. But what many Geelong people don't realize is just how freaky it really was......
The Bureau of Meteorology did not see it coming up to six minutes before the storm hit when it appeared just barely at the lower end of the normal radar range for storms. Even then no warning came from the Bureau because protocol requires two readings before a warning is issued. Not only was the position of the storm in the atmosphere unusual (two to six kilometres instead of six to ten) the wind shear went in the opposite direction to normal - not anti-clockwise, but clockwise like a northern hemisphere storm. A senior forecaster at the Bureau described it as "very, very unusual" and like "throwing a bucket of water into the air and letting it fall from six kilometres", adding that the unusual nature of the storm would probably be investigated later. I for one would be most interested to hear the findings of that investigation but my guess is that if an investigation actually takes place at all (which I doubt), it won't be widely reported, if it is reported in any meaningful way at all.
Evidence of weather modification? You decide.
For a full article on the storm click here or here.
Update January 2016: Another freak storm hits Geelong on the 27th January 2016. Bureau of Meteorology duty forecaster, Michael Efron describes it as a 'one in a hundred year event', but there is no mention this time as to whether the BoM saw it coming.....Click here for the story in 'The Age.' Or here for the ABC's report.
Can't say we weren't told.........(Too bad if we missed it though!)
"Electrification of the ionosphere to create clouds out of thin air. Certainly sounds a lot like the secret Australian rain device - no photographs allowed - that so excited the Minister and those who will share his six-month $10 million research funding....."
- Greg Hoy for the ABC's 7.30 Report aired 19/11/2007. See below for links.
In 2007, 10 million dollars were granted by the Australian Government to a company part owned by Rupert Murdoch's nephew, Matt Handbury, to trial Russian-developed "rain making" technology in Queensland. (Consider that state's often disastrous rainfall since then.)
In the 7.30 report story cited above, ABC reporter, Greg Hoy, together with a physicist from the ANU, Neville Fletcher, and a representative of the old cloud seeding technology industry, Ian Searle, seem a little sceptical of the new technology. In light of more recent developments, however, it would appear that Goldman Sachs man Turnbull and his electorate benefactor, Handbury, may have known something back in 2007 that Hoy and co didn't.
Curiously enough, among the apparent sceptics were a couple of representatives of Israel; no explanation is given for the relevance of their particular input for a story ostensibly dealing with a Russian technology being tested in Australia, but frankly I wouldn't be betting anything on the fact that they were representing themselves entirely honestly to an Australian reporter for the ABC. Perhaps Hoy and the ABC had missed the real significance of the story they were investigating, just like they were supposed to.......
"It's a technique developed in Russia in the last decade, and it involves sending electrical charges into the atmosphere to make clouds and ultimately rain."
The Queensland government requested access to Thai rain-making technology in 2009 with an "agreement" being reached about a year later in June 2010. How many flood-affected Queenslanders know that? Click here for the Sydney Morning Herald story.
Had there been trials or demonstrations in the interim? And what use of the technology exactly has been applied since? If I were a Queensland flood victim, or perhaps too an insurance company, these are questions I'd be insisting on getting the answers to. And what about the Victorian floods of late 2010 and early 2011.....?
A further article from Anna Salleh of the ABC (click here) asked the question in November 2007 if clouds can be made "from scratch", stating that the Australian Rain Corporation technology was being tested to see if it could "make new rain clouds from blue skies by generating ions in the atmosphere...[using] a ground-based device to [thus] attract water molecules."
The key question with this cloud-making, water vapour-attracting technology is what particles exactly are being charged by the "ground-based device" in order to attract water molecules and form clouds? ("Ions" are charged atoms.) If it can be done with naturally occurring dust particles in the atmosphere (such as pollen and sea-salt) then it may be impossible to test for the use of this technology some of the time, using rainwater and air chemical compositional testing. (I suggested this testing and possible exceptions to the federal member for Corangamite, Sarah Henderson in March and June 2014 - see below.) The only test, in that case, that we the people can easily use is the age old one of looking up and seeing the obvious - though when there is also some significant natural cloud cover present it may be difficult to gauge the extent to which it is being exaggerated by aerosol/electromagnetic means. But actually from my own observations I do not think that naturally occurring dust particles are being used to generate clouds, not for the most part anyway. What is being used mostly, if not entirely, as the medium for cloud-making, are the far more electromagnetically responsive (and ultra-toxic) nanoparticles of heavy metal salts sprayed into our skies as aerosols (chemtrails) by jets, both military and commercial apparently. Standard hygroscopic cloud seeding using silver iodide may also play a factor. In any case, no doubt if our government (state and federal) were serious about their duty to protect the people, and not impotent or complicit in harming them, they could easily test for the presence of anomalous and unnatural electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere of suspect areas as well as toxic levels of heavy metal particles in our air and rainwater, thus establishing beyond any doubt the fact of an ongoing and atrocious crime against their constituents and do something about it, for goodness sakes! But critically there may not even be adequate laws in place at present prohibiting the indiscriminate use of this kind of technology (technology in general is developing so quickly), let alone a structure in place to police it - especially if it purports to be "non-hostile". Nevertheless it is still a crime even in the legal sense (not just the moral one) - to do something deliberately and/or recklessly that a reasonable person might be expected to know will cause grievous bodily harm or death to others, and with precisely that result, is a serious crime indeed.
For more on the use of much larger scale "HAARP" type ground based technology to modify the weather (also known as 'ionospheric heating') see again the Suggested Online Info page.
The global warming angle
Let's assume for argument's sake that targeting populated areas is the most effective way of reducing global warming/cooling the planet using chemtrail technology. Still we must ask, is this the best solution? Or even a sane one? And if it really were, what would be the need to hide it? Or to deceive the public about it? Come now people, use your common sense. Effectively addressing the problem of global warming means addressing the problem of green house gases caused chiefly by our dependence on fossil fuels - a dependence we might have shaken off years ago if there had not been a concerted effort from completely unscrupulous and ruthless fossil fuel psychopaths to stop that from happening. Is the chemtrail atrocity, in fact, merely a continuation of that policy, albeit the most audaciously and criminally insane to date? Certainly the idea that further polluting our skies with toxic chemicals is a sound solution to a problem caused by (fossil fuel) pollutants in the first place, cannot be taken seriously by anybody in their right mind, but only by the tunnel-visioned and myopic fossil fuel gangsters currently endorsing, promoting and financing it behind the scenes (away from public scrutiny of course), and worse still currently in control of our lackey governments, apparently. It is especially repulsive when one considers that the chemtrail "remedy" if allowed to continue will inevitably (according to one project insider - see the 'White Skies' article below) cause the premature deaths of billions of people in the coming years and put the whole planet in grave danger, with consequences that even scientists and geo-engineers involved with the project admit they cannot foresee. And yet surely the true remedy to the dire problem of global warming remains what it has always been: first and foremost to end once and for all and completely our dependence on fossil fuels at all costs, like it or not, "ready" or not, and move completely and urgently to clean energy sources, especially solar power. Obviously. (Click here for more.) The other dire need, reforestation, will follow naturally from our increasing psychological emancipation from the unnatural - the movement to clean and relatively free energy sources is a critical movement in that direction.
It's time to take back our beautiful planet people! To wrest it from the filthy and bloody hands of insane idiot tyrants with too much money and influence at their disposal, and to awaken to life a half dead vassal populace that cannot admit the obvious and take the proper medicine when they ought to. But how bitter can the pill of remedy really be, when the pill of ongoing slavery and corporate madness is so deadly and vile?
Actually the US is particularly at risk, but no matter, the whole world must be poisoned and deprived of sunlight to save the US from the effects of global warming, for which it is the chief and unrepentant culprit......
The one exception to the official stance was a response I received from a particularly obnoxious professor at the Australian National University in Canberra, who, when I spoke to him, had the misfortune to be sitting by a window where clear signs of chemtrail mess were visible. He simply could not deny that kind of evidence and remain in the least bit credible. So he conceded that yes the technology is being currently deployed, but not to worry, they are using only hydrogenated nano-particles of plastic polymers, not heavy metals after all. I cannot see what is so reassuring about breathing ultra toxic plastic rather than ultra toxic plastic and metals, or having the weather meddled with by psychopaths without public notification, but in any case I told him that such an assurance was at odds with soil, air and rainwater tests, not to mention the descriptions of this technology by geo-engineers themselves (for example, click here for the “Welsbach Patent”), where Aluminium oxide in particular and its wavelength dependent light emissivity/reflectivity properties are often alluded to. To this rebuttal our professor of environmental sciences suddenly decided he had no more time to discuss the issue and asked me to leave.....
Update June 2016
CIA director, John Brennan, talks openly in a speech to the CFR about geoengineering and SAI technology (chemtrails).
CIA director, John Brennan, talks openly (above) in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations about technologies "referred to collectively as geoengineering".
In particular he cites the "relatively inexpensive" SAI technology ($10b p/a) as one that has received his "personal attention", as a way of mitigating global warming effects, thus "providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels".
Anyone who has any doubt that "SAI" (stratospheric aerosol injection) is simply what lay people call "chemtrails" need only take the trouble to look into it to remove all doubt.
Brennan himself describes SAI tellingly as "a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do."
Of course Brennan lies through his teeth by implying that said technology is not already being deployed, but then lying is what these people do isn't it? I mean, he surely could not simply be ignorant of the fact, could he? (That said, I really don't know what would be more disturbing - his ignorance or his deceit.)
In any case Brennan does not deem it necessary to raise the issue of the effect such "particles" might have on our respiratory systems.* Apparently this is a minor consideration at best.
To read the full text of Brennan's speech, click here (the relevant section is the two paragraphs before the last one, before questions and answers begin).**
You can also watch video footage of the speech on the Council on Foreign Relations website (full speech with transcript) or on Youtube here (while it lasts and subject of course to conspicuous obfuscation propaganda and suspect "comments" section).
*Australian summer 2016-17, further update: like so-called "thunderstorm asthma" for instance?
**We originally linked to the transcript on the CIA website itself, but the page has since been removed (make of that what you will). The current link is to the identical transcript on the Council on Foreign Relations website (Ed. May 2022). Screenshot here in case of page removal. (See paragraphs highlighted in grey. Note: you may need to zoom in to read.)
Hygroscopic Cloud Seeding Technology
Hygroscopic cloud seeding using silver iodide or other metallic salts for the purpose of rain enhancement also raises the issue of water and food scarcity as a result of growing populations. The policy of stealing Peter's rain to give to Paul as local government and utility companies vie for as much of the moisture that passes overhead as they can, is clearly a recipe for inevitable environmental disaster as the very air we breathe is transformed into a toxic soup of metallic aerosols. The situation may in fact be quite bad already in the western states of the US where both weather modification programs and chemtrails are widespread and numerous and have been for some time. In addition to the environmental problem there are serious regional and global security issues that arise from such moisture grabbing policies. And the fact that hygroscopic cloud seeding has, presumably, the unfortunate side effect of coating our forests and bushlands in a fine layer of incendiary dust, with the potential of making bushfires burn hotter, longer and more often must surely also be a cause for concern, particularly in Australian conditions. (This applies also to other chemtrail forming technologies that use incendiary metallic aerosols such as aluminium.) Furthermore, and perhaps worst of all, the increased cloud cover, if sufficiently widespread, makes the far better and cleaner solution to water scarcity of solar energy powered desalination plants less viable - a solution that could easily meet water needs, both here and abroad, with minimal environmental impact, as global population increases and eventually stabilises around mid-century.
Hostile use of Environmental Modification (EnMod) Technology in Greater Geelong skies and elsewhere around Australia
1. the use of nanoparticles of heavy metal salts sprayed into the atmosphere as aerosols by commercial and/or military jets, alongside a ground-based device to charge said particles and thus create any number and size of clouds across vast areas of sky, and/or alternatively a ground based ionosphere heater (HAARP type), and/or alternatively a ground based device using electromagnetic energy in other ways for the purpose of cloud formation and manipulation (more on this below),
and/or possibly also
2. hygroscopic cloud seeding technology,
is being used now, at least in part, in black operations against Australian civilian targets, including Greater Geelong residents. (I do not say that lightly - countless observations have led me to that conclusion.) This despite the United Nations "Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques" adopted globally in 1976. (But by now I guess you have gathered that we are dealing here with war criminals and the scum of the earth.)
weather modification applications, which may or may not work, and aside from any harm to the general public caused by toxins inherent (or appended) to the technology, could artificial cloud-making and cloud manipulation technology have found a further or different "use" altogether viz. to create and/or expand cloud formation, or simply move it, thus denying sunlight and clear skies to targeted areas for extended periods, for long term psychological warfare purposes and other strategic criminal/defence force type applications? Solar energy denial for example. Far fetched? Consider the following:
For more on the use of "PsyOps" in Greater Geelong click here.
For more on the use of weather modification technology in the war against solar and renewable energy alternatives to the current fossil fuel paradigm click here.
Geelong company 'Aquiess' discusses rain-making technology on Kenyan Network News (2011)
In fact the use of the technology by Aquiess was covered by the ABC in their Stateline program as far back as 2006 in a story from reporter Emily Bogue. Click here for the transcript.
It is interesting to note that though there are, as is to be expected when dealing with technology appropriated by the military, the usual parade of 'experts' from the academic world who have concluded that no such technology could possibly exist simply because they cannot find any documents to tell them otherwise, accounts from clients of this technology appear to indicate that any initial scepticism they may have had regarding it was soon laid to rest by actual results in the field that could not be reasonably denied. John Forrest MP, Federal Member for Mallee, had this to say regarding a deployment of the technology in March 2009 in Victoria:
"This is not the first time I have observed a target result by Aquiess postulated many days out before the event and in defiance of forecasts at the time."
Click here for the Aquiess 2012 introductory brochure in pdf. It includes more of the John Forrest email from which the above excerpt is sourced.
Of course the uses that are discussed openly and that are perhaps all that were known to Mr. Forrest at the time are all of a suitably benevolent-sounding application - Aquiess has been very much in PR mode regarding this technology - but one would have to be particularly naive to think that such technology has not at some point fallen into the hands of the military to be used for its own purposes, which is to say, for the purposes of the psychopaths for whom our military is now nothing more than a comtemptible lackey. As California-based anti-geoengineering activist Dane Wigington points out about the Kenyan News stories clip:
"Consider this, in this video we hear absolute confirmation of weather modification technologies being utilized by a private company. I ask, what sane person would realistically think the military is not doing this on an exponentially larger scale?"
The two week forecast when I arrived at Uluru on the 9th July was for non-stop clear skies, as would be expected, more or less, at that time of the year. In the end nothing could have been further from what actually occurred and forecasts closer to actual events were also continuously and dramatically contradicted.
Heavy aerosol spraying began on the 12th July over Uluru after which, in the 11 days that followed, the sky was almost always significantly overcast, including rain periods, with 'the Rock' itself half covered in thick cloud on several occasions. The weather continued more or less in this manner (one can only guess at the cost of this insane operation) until the psychopaths behind this military action were obliged to stop it on the 23rd July, almost immediately after the indigenous people of the area (who own the airspace rights over Uluru) were informed of the atrocious crime taking place over their heads that 'dry' season. In fact the sky went from almost completely overcast to completely clear in one or two hours (and remained so thenceforth) following the discussion in which the indigenous people were told what was going on, a discussion at which the present author was personally present.
Central Australians were soon thereafter distracted from looking any further into the eco-crime committed in their airspace, by means of a conveniently timed freight train derailment just south of the SA/NT border, at about 8 am on the morning of the 26th July, that some readers may recall occurring in that area at that time. A thinly veiled threat about the effect that such derailments/disruptions might have on the region's food supply accomplished the rest. The media did their bit of course - business as usual for the psychopaths at covert war with our nation, in other words.
[Update January 2016: The reader may notice that, in true Orwellian style, the just mentioned link's landing page has been removed from the NT news website. A search of the site reveals that the article has been moved to another page, though all the highly pertinent and revealing comments from locals (at the time of the derailment) have been removed - comments that suggest that the press were not exactly telling/getting the whole truth. (That, by the way, is how history is made folks - retroactively.) Note that other articles from around the same time and even earlier have their comments section at least partially preserved. In any case, it doesn't matter, I found the original article with comments section intact at You can have a look for yourself here.]
Here is one particularly pertinent and insightful comment posted by a local on August 4th, 2014 (days after the derailment), aptly titled "Someone is not trying very hard":
"Its not just Woolies and Coles without stock, Big W and Kmart were blaming their lack of stock on the derailed train as well. As the train that derailed was empty, and was blocking the tracks, why doesn't the train full of Woolies, Coles, Big W, and Kmart stock reverse direction to the nearest station yard and unload into trucks to come North. The train derailed last weekend.......are they just going to sit there until the track reopens, without exploring other options to move the freight?"
To answer the frustrated local's question (albeit belatedly after the fact), the uncertainty regarding basic supplies persisted until any, shall we say, unrest locals may have been feeling about being poisoned and having their weather messed with by a government/military action in skies neither the government nor the military had any right to be in for any reason at all without express permission, had faded into relative obscurity behind, shall we say, more pressing concerns.
Note: The 'investigation' (i.e. 'whitewash') into the abovementioned freight train derailment is expected to conclude in May 2015. The preliminary (and now final) report is here. (See below for update.)
Furthermore the cloud, evaporation and sun hours data are also missing from the BOM's daily weather observation table for the Uluru area, July 2014, despite a citing for the source of that information at the bottom of the table*. I suggest to anyone interested to have a look, instead, at daily observations for Kulgera and Alice Springs, July 2014, (see below) where the tables are intact, paying particular attention to the 'Cloud' column for the 12th to 23rd July period. (Note: an '8' is a totally overcast sky, a '0' is a totally clear one.) These places are sufficiently close to Uluru to have been observably affected by the weather modification going on there, though the effect was of course even more pronounced at Uluru itself. Notice the swift return to typical dry season straight zeroes soon after the 23rd July.......
Click here for Kulgera Daily Weather Observations July 2014.**
Click here for Alice Springs Daily Weather Observations July 2014.**
Click here for Uluru Daily Weather Observations July 2014.**
*Interestingly, since publishing this information on this website in Autumn 2015, the BOM found it necessary to remove above mentioned citation and put in its place an (unsatisfactory) attempt at an explanation for the missing cloud cover data. It would seem however that they had, in any case, seen fit to include some of the (afore missing and revealing) Uluru cloud data by the time an archive was made of the web page in August 2015. Better than nothing, I suppose......
**These pages have since been removed from the BOM web site, but exist intact at If all else fails I have saved them as web archive files - you can link to them in pdf here.
Update January 2016:
Derailment of freight train 6DA2: A Clear Case of Sabotage
“Two breaks in the the line 60 kms apart, both just happening to be in a critical or worse condition at exactly the same time, between the time of the derailment and, presumably, the passage of the previous train. Clearly the criminal vermin behind this cowardly act of terrorism, an act which put the lives of two drivers and those in the crew van at considerable risk, were leaving nothing to chance. If the first break failed, the second would do the job.........” For more click here.
The long awaited final report from the ATSB (Australian Transport Safety Bureau) was finally released on October 28, 2015, a full 15 months after the derailment. Unfortunately, all it amounts to essentially is an exercise in making a questionable post facto analysis of an even more questionable rail section sample somehow acceptable despite contradictory third party state-of-the-art ultrasonic test results for same rail section taken shortly before the derailment. The possibility of the latter results being correct (with attendant implication of sabotage) is not even considered by the ATSB, though there is strong (to say the least) circumstantial evidence to support the latter and not the former. You can read our response to the ATSB report here.
Does the Aquiess technology use or capitalise on toxic aerosols?
The Aquiess technology, which is ground based and as of 2006 was, apparently, compact enough to be entirely encased in a shipping container (and presumably mobile), "does not", according to a company statement, "rely on chemical or biologically hazardous materials, which could potentially harm the environment."
Are they telling the truth? And perhaps even more to the point, what exactly are we not being told? Aquiess may not, for instance, be taking part themselves in any aerosol spraying, while nonetheless their technology is enabled, or its effectiveness heightened, by skies made more conductive by the aerosol spraying of others. Are they capitalising on the poisoning of us all, while deceiving others and perhaps even themselves about it, all the while posing behind a 'humanitarian' pretext? And even if their technology does not really need skies made artificially more receptive to electromagnetic energy by extensive spraying of toxic heavy metal nano-particulate aerosols (which I doubt), can we still see the utter danger of such technology being in the hands of private companies, let alone in the hands, covertly, of the utterly unscrupulous and ruthless cowards now controlling our military forces?
Let's be clear about this.
The objective of the gangsters controlling our state and federal governments was clearly stated in the title of the US air force document cited above as far back as 1996. In fact technologically they have achieved their objectives ahead of schedule. That is clear. The problem they face now is a PR one - they cannot simply say to the public, "Look, we have the means to destroy/control your weather, so you now have to pay us not to do so"; that would demolish their carefully crafted (over many years) illusion of being the 'good guys', an illusion which must be preserved, if at all possible, for future scams and fleecing of the increasingly docile, apathetic and faithless masses. So what are they to do?
Actually the answer is a simple one because it is the age old one of gangsters everywhere -the protection racket. That is to say, the problem will be presented to the public as the solution, who will have to pay for it as such. Let me explain, and please mark my words well because this is exactly as things will unfold unless the public at large wakes up to the wool that is being pulled slowly over their eyes in this issue:
(Note: this section was written in August 2014.)
First, weather modification will continue extensively all around Australia and the world for some time to come. Meanwhile front desk puppets like Barrack Obama et al will give speeches like the one given [in 2009] at the United Nations where he explained that man made "climate change" must be met by man made solutions. That is the set up. (Obama is exceptionally well trained in the delivery of rhetoric - that is his job.) Actually the idea of "climate change" is simply being adopted for this purpose, but the propaganda in the mainstream media and weather information 'services' and elsewhere, has been so utterly effective that many unsuspecting and gullible, though conscientious people are now well primed psychologically to take the effects of anthropogenic global warming and artificial, deliberate weather modification (on a huge and unprecedented scale) as one and the same thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there are not man made environmental issues (besides deliberate ones), of course there are, and we need to meet them with genuine clean energy solutions, the cleanest being solar power (super-viable in Australian conditions by the way), but these gangsters, whose wealth is very much rooted in fossil fuels are not in the slightest bit interested in genuine solutions to man made environmental issues. In fact, solar power has been a major concern to them for some time, the problem being the unfortunate habit of the sun to give energy away for free - that could never be tolerated, and weather modification has given these tyrants finally, a means to make it pay.
Therefore intensive and extensive weather modification will continue until people begin to notice that their weather has dramatically changed for the worse in a short space of time and then to complain/ask questions. At this point it will be explained to them through a plethora of mainstream media "expert" talking heads that the problem is man made climate change and that the solution is man made weather modification a price of course. (The guilt we will be feeling about having caused the "climate change" ourselves will leave us perfectly poised again, psychologically, for full fleecing by these lying tyrants - that's an old mind trick and it works every time, unless of course the dupe knows the trick beforehand.....)
So finally weather too will be a commodity and, if we give them their way, in a couple of generations we will forget that it ever was free, just as we have forgotten everything else that God's Nature gave us freely until it was robbed from us by the usual suspects and sold back to us at a price. Very conveniently of course. But then, how convenient is slavery?
Update May 2015: Puppet Obama informs Americans that "Climate Change" is a "National Security Risk". Now the criminals behind the chemtrail atrocity have their excuse ready should the continual stream of lies and disinformation fed to the American (and international) public about it be exposed - it was all in the interests of national security of course......... Sound familiar?
“To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize........”
― Voltaire
In an interview in August 2013 former Premier of British Columbia, Canada, Bill Vander Zalm, made the following comment regarding his own investigations into geoengineering and chemtrails:
"….it's also, we are told, only in NATO countries. It's not in China, it's not in any of those Asian countries, it's not in Russia, it's not in India, it's in all the NATO countries: North America, Western Europe, that's where it is, so we think maybe it's a NATO initiative, but again we don't know....."
Personally I have no doubt whatsoever about the complicity of the hideously disgusting criminal organisation that calls itself NATO, but the really significant question is who is behind them......
The reader will have to decide that one for himself. That is to say, please, by all means, look into this intelligently and draw your own informed conclusions. You may wish to consider also the small selection of quotations here. For those observers of world affairs that are not still lost in the smoke and mirror illusions of the utterly corrupt mass media they will speak volumes.
For more on Bill Vander Zalm and his chemtrail activism click here.
CSG fracking is an important issue that needs our attention and energy, but it may be as well to keep in mind some of the diversionary tactics of the criminal perpetrators behind the chemtrail/weather modification atrocity. Divide and conquer - the age old formula of tyrants. They know that the public has only a certain amount of energy at any one time for issues that are important to them, so they are often quite prepared to lose a little here to gain a little elsewhere so to speak. CSG fracking has been getting a lot of attention of late, including the mainstream media, from what I hear, but you won't hear a whisper about chemtrails/weather modification from anywhere but strictly independent information sources, not seriously anyway. In fact news media professionals have come forward to attest to the fact that there is a "media blackout" on the issue. (See "Aerosol Crimes" on the Documentaries page for example.) Just please keep this in mind, that our attention and energies may be deliberately being split, fragmented and diverted. Ask yourself what is bound to be really the most important goal of tyrants at the moment - think of all the dire implications of weather control, if you will (it is truly all our most pressing concerns, environmental and otherwise, rolled into one) - and there you will find the least attention given by the information sources they control. I have heard many encouraging and laudable things about those fighting the CSG atrocity and would ask them here to please turn their attention as soon as possible to the chemtrail and weather as a weapon/commodity issue - their efforts there, and help in raising awareness about and protesting this ongoing atrocity are much needed by us all.
Do not think even for a moment that what you do is insignificant. Nothing could be further from the truth. The choices you make as an individual have enormous significance not only to your own state of mind and being, which is what defines your experience in this life and what you think is real, but also to some extent to the plight of all others too. Above all, please don't let unscrupulous people make your choices for you while you are busy thinking they are your own and paying the price unawares. Your state of mind and your relationship to all others and things are defined by fundamental choices about the way you see the world and your place in it that you may not even be aware you are making. This is actually the general human condition in our society, you are not alone, you have only been made to feel that way through superficial differences. It is this kind of unconscious decision-making that above all we need to dispel if we are to break free from the presiding insanity of which chemtrails are the latest and most dire of manifestations. We can no longer afford to simply look the other way. There are only two ways - life and death. Please help life.
There are two aspects to what we can do about the chemtrail atrocity and each are critical in their own right, and as we shall see, one must follow the other in due order.
The first is self education. We must learn to identify easily chemtrail/artificial cloud making activity in our skies using our own eyes, regardless of misdirection tactics. Also, at least some of us need to familiarise ourselves with sound objective testing procedures to further confirm the evidence of our eyes. If you happen to be someone with experience and means at your disposal to do these kind of tests independently, please help! This ability to observe and test objectively is critical, because the effectiveness of any other action we take against chemtrails will depend on our ability to ascertain for ourselves whether our demands have actually been met, and our ability to know a pack of lies and empty assurances from a genuine response. We must be aware beyond any reasonable doubt of the true nature of our governments, at the federal, state and local levels regarding this issue, that is, for the most part, lackeys for sophisticated confidence tricksters, and deal with them accordingly and with due caution. To this end I make the suggestion below, to those that feel the need to do so, to write to government and go through the whole procedure of plausible denial and stonewall insult to your intelligence until you have all possible doubt removed about this. I have included a generic letter below that may serve to minimise the time and effort it takes to learn the truth. We should also demand an immediate investigation into the chemtrail phenomenon in no uncertain terms (see below). In short government should be given as much opportunity as you feel inclined to give them to demonstrate that they do in fact serve the people, if only so that you might have no doubt whatsoever that nothing could be further from the truth.
Then finally we will be ready for decisive action.
Just watch the sky for yourself
What is critical is that we learn, or re-learn, to distinguish the natural from the unnatural in our skies, and elsewhere. (Even better would be a return to appropriately human responses to either, but that may be asking a little too much at this stage.) Unfortunately, as people's awareness of the obvious begins to thwart their own best efforts to deny it, the creeps behind the chemtrail atrocity are increasingly resorting to more subtle and sneaky modes of cloud-making/weather modifying deception. The present writer has personally witnessed many displays of cloud mimicking, all over Australia, that in his opinion would probably be sufficient to deceive most people, even those with some awareness of the chemtrail phenomenon, and especially those who don't need much encouragement. Both natural forms and natural weather patterns are mimicked. (Actually sometimes even unnatural or man-made, though commonplace phenomena are mimicked, like smog or smoke, the real thing acting literally as a "smokescreen" - anything to get the junk into our skies in such a way that remains plausibly deniable.) Nonetheless it is all still largely perceivable as artificial if you know your stuff, so to speak. To that end, here are some things to look for:

2. Or if you live on the coast, you may have noticed that there is almost invariably now a thick long line of clouds sitting on the horizon out at sea. (I have seen this also on the inland horizon as well.) These clouds are often of the less obviously artificial looking variety, but the fact that the sea view is never clear of them anymore is certainly not natural or normal, and actually a very recent phenomenon. Make a point of looking regularly and you will see. These heavy metal infused "clouds" have been electromagnetically/hygroscopically generated from aerosols laid down at sea, out of public view, probably by jets operating from nearby navy air craft carriers, and are presumably ready for weather modifying deployment over coastal towns, and further inland, at short notice.
3. Another thing to look for in clouds that are not so obviously artificial in terms of appearance is their movement. Look for clouds moving extraordinarily quickly, or moving quickly and then suddenly coming to a halt and remaining stationary. You may see two clouds in the same air space and altitude, but moving in opposite directions or one is stationary and the other is moving - this is because of the conflict between natural air currents and ground based electromagnetic propulsion of heavy metal infused clouds.
4. Look for clouds that are not puffy and coherently integral, but stringy and coming apart as they move and then perhaps coming back together again. Or sizeable clouds, or something like clouds, forming out of nothing or next to nothing, gathering and dispersing continuously over a short space of time. Again, this has to do with the conflict between natural and unnatural forces.
5. Look for clouds that appear "stretched" over areas of the sky. You may also notice that skies where there has been cloud matter floating about much of the day become strangely all clear at night when there are relatively few to notice it, only to become persistently cloudy again as the next day unfolds. The exception seems to be nights of higher visibility such as the full moon. If we remember that one of the aims of this weather modification is to be noticed and taken for something that it isn't, namely, so-called "climate change", that might be one reason why high visibility hours and populated areas are the chief targets. Another reason (for the targeting of sunlight hours and populated areas) is very likely to do with optimising the cost-effectiveness of purported global warming mitigation effects of this technology. (Actually there is a more essential and profound reason for the targeting/covering of solar and lunar light viz. the further severing of our connection to God's Nature and the supposed effect of this on the collective psyche, but that is beyond the scope of this website to go into here.)
6. Yet another thing to look for is rain that never comes or that comes only minimally, that is, lots of cloud cover, but hardly any rain. This is in fact a tell-tale sign of widespread dispersal of nano-sized aerosols in the atmosphere, which have the property of attracting and holding moisture, but unlike the larger micro-sized silver iodide particles used in the (relatively expensive) rain-making technology of hygroscopic cloud seeding, are not as prone to reaching the critical weight for rainfall. Though some form of heavy seeding or ultra-intensive aerosol spraying is probably deployable to overcome this tendency. Alternatively or additionally, adjustments to the electromagnetic energy targeting the highly conductive cloud particles could cause them to either attract or repel each other thus creating bigger (and thus more rain conducive), or smaller particles as desired. In any case, look for clouds/rain clouds that are hanging unbelievably low in the sky.
"The author has logged some thousands of hours of Command instrument flying time since the early 1970s. He has flown in, under, over, around and through almost every imaginable type of cloud during both day and night. The clouds shown [at] are not found in any authoritative textbook of meteorology published before 1990. They cannot be satisfactorily explained in terms of either common jet trails or supersaturated persistent contrails."
[*Note: the website appears to have gone offline some time after March 28, 2016. The above link will take you to the last recorded snapshot of the site at Most importantly, the excellent photographs of aerosol clouds over Port Macquarie are still available (with explanations), though I had some trouble getting the 'International' and 'New' photographic collections to load, and navigation of the archived site generally is now somewhat limited.
Update 2022: unfortunately the website is no longer viewable even on as it requires the now obsolete Adobe Flash Player application.]
Readers should be aware that a deliberate and concerted effort at all levels of governance, in both the private and public sectors, is being made to condition the general populace into accepting chemtrails and derivative artificial clouds as "normal" and nothing to be alarmed about. NASA is complicit, as are most certainly bureaus of meteorology all over the world. (For more about NASA's part in the conditioning of children in the US for example, see the Rosalind Peterson section at the bottom of the Suggested Online Info page.) Photos or illustrations of chemtrail and bogus cloud skies are showing up in everything from official meteorology textbooks to landscape photography, and from unrelated news media stories, advertising and product packaging to tourist brochures and information offices, either by direct design or by default. Background scenes of this disgusting junk in the sky are usually juxtaposed with foreground pictures of smiley "happy" people having "fun" or scenes/content associated in people's minds with trivial and mundane normalcy and "business as usual", completely at odds, in fact, with the sinister implications of the pictorially associated atrocity. Actually this mirrors what one now sees in life, walking down the average main street anywhere in Australia you care to visit these days. So art imitates life, yes, but life (or the semblance of it) also imitates art, and that's what these chemtrail spin doctors are counting on. Yet keep in mind that just knowing their methods is all it takes to dispel them.
One of the most significant things you can do about chemtrails is get a lab to test a sample of rainwater (carefully collected from your backyard) for metals. (Click here for sample collection tips.) This test will include Aluminium, Barium and Strontium for example, and other toxic metals. There is a NATA accredited lab at 49 Carr Street in South Geelong called ALS (ph. 03 5246 9403) who charge about $85 for a "low level" test for soluble metals in rainwater (collection container supplied if you ask), so if you can spare the cash it may be an invaluable exercise. (Actually $85 is for two tests, but it is their minimum charge.) Seeing is believing. (Unfortunately I cannot vouch for how trustworthy or uncompromised any particular laboratory is regarding such tests, ALS included.....) If you do decide to do this be sure to collect your sample over a significant period of time (at least a month, or more if it doesn't rain much) - that way you increase the likelihood of getting rain on days and times of heavy spraying, and decrease the likelihood of paying $85 for inconclusive results. Fortunately for Australians concerned about the chemtrail atrocity the CSIRO published a report on rainwater in 2012 which gives a detailed chemical analysis of rainwater for 42 samples over five years (2007-2011) from places all around Australia. (Click here for a pdf of that report.) This is fortunate because it gives us an excellent idea of what should be in our rainwater in normal circumstances. Here is a table of some of the more 'suspect' metals and their normal/typical levels in Australian rainwater that you can compare to your own results. (Note: 1 mg/L = 1 g/m3 = 1000 μg/L)

And we want the criminals brought to justice - including, and perhaps especially, those whose duty to protect makes any deliberate, negligent or reckless failure to protect or forewarn, a despicable abuse of public trust, and a crime itself, quite aside from any direct complicity in the chemtrail atrocity. To remain silent about a crime when one ought to speak is also a crime. To sign a non-disclosure statement about something one knows to be a crime is also a crime. And to sign a non-disclosure statement about something one has not been completely informed about is downright irresponsible and an act of criminal negligence. This connivance of criminality and cowardice seems likely, in the circumstances, to include members of government, the world of academia, the so-called 'intelligence' services, the police force, military, air force and other so-called defence or security organizations, in addition to meteorological services and commercial organizations, including media - so we must not be easily put off by some empty denial.
We want ongoing and systematic tests done on our air and rainwater regularly and over an extended period that can show us the truth about chemtrails, and in any case serve to protect us from the effects of this crime into the future. The technology for compositional testing for heavy metals in air and water exists and could be done relatively easily and cheaply by government if they were willing. What reason could they possibly have to refuse our request? Certainly not a good one. You can write to your local state government member and also the Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change (deliberate Climate Change, apparently) requesting such tests be done. For a list of contact details for Greater Geelong parliamentarians including members for Geelong, Bellarine, South Barwon and Lara click here. For the Victorian Minister for the Environment click here. If you have already got results from your own tests you may wish to include those also with your request. This will help to keep them honest. Click here for a generic letter request to any government office - all you have to do is address and sign it and send it away. There are two to choose from, the first is for those who are not attaching a lab report, the second for those that are. If you are attaching a lab report please remember to fill in the last column of the table at the end of the letter with the results from your own test, making sure to note down also the units your test results use - mg/L or μg/L (milligrams per litre or micrograms per litre). It's important that we make the facts as simple as possible for the politicians who may be willing to help us in this urgent matter.
On the 19th March 2014 I wrote to Sarah Henderson, the Federal member for Corangamite (which includes the Greater Geelong region) regarding chemtrails in the skies over Greater Geelong and requesting that tests be conducted by the CSIRO and EPA on our rainwater and air respectively, on an ongoing basis forthwith. Ms. Henderson replied on the 5th May 2014 informing me that she had forwarded my request to the Minister for Industry, Ian MacFarlane on my behalf and would let me know when he replies.
Update 1: it is now October and I still have not heard anything further from either Ms. Henderson or Mr. MacFarlane. Such a simple and inexpensive request that would easily remove all doubt and need for speculation about this issue, yet no action taken. I think that in itself speaks volumes about the position of government regarding the ongoing chemtrail atrocity......
Update 2, October 28th 2014: I finally received a reply from both Ms. Henderson and the Minister for Industry Mr. Macfarlane, over seven months after my original request was sent. Despite my unequivocal request that a soft copy be sent to my email address (in addition to the postal copy) due to my (then) forthcoming long-term absence from any fixed address (see my letter of 10/6/2014, link below), no such email ever reached my inbox and the upshot was that the hard copy lay waiting at my Geelong address until now. I have asked Ms. Henderson for an explanation in my last letter. Even without the delay caused by my road trip and the missing email, the Minister's reply to my original request was three and a half months in coming and proved to be ultimately both misleading and evasive.
Update 3, June 2015: Despite having received two assurances by email in November and December from Sarah Henderson and a member of her staff respectively, that I would be contacted promptly on receipt of a response from the Minister to my reply of 10 November 2014 to his own letter of the 24 June 2014, I have heard nothing further since those assurances some 7 months ago. (More delay.) I can only assume that the Minister is unable to respond adequately to the further issues and queries I have put to him regarding, specifically, the substantial inadequacy of his previous response and, generally, the ongoing geoengineering/chemtrails atrocity and whitewash.
Update 4, July 1st 2015: I have written today to Sarah Henderson requesting confirmation of the Minister's failure to reply to my letter of 10 November.
For a pdf of our complete correspondence to date click here.
Readers might be interested to know that I wrote also to our State parliament member Ian Trezise (69A Pakington Street) and the Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith both on the 7th March 2014 and have received no reply to date from either. Apparently neither men consider the blatant and ongoing poisoning of our air and rainwater or the widespread and daily imposition of weather modification on an unnotified public for undisclosed purposes to be a matter needing their attention at this time.....
If you would like to write to Sarah Henderson about this issue address your letter to:
Sarah Henderson MP
3A/195 Colac Rd
Waurn Ponds, VIC, 3216.
Decisive action: Non-violent Non-cooperation Now!
Finally, we need to understand our own power as a united front. It is this that the perpetrators of the chemtrail atrocity fear the most, doubt it not. To rediscover and exercise that power to even the smallest degree is all it will take, because even the smallest of truly grassroots, independent and united actions, taken in a spirit of uprightness and with pure hearts, will snowball by way of what it reveals to us and others about where true strength really lies - if only we have the courage to take it. We must avoid meaningless and shallow activity that amounts to nothing, but is only a mere show of defiance in the circumstances. (These gestures are almost invariably controlled by status quo forces, doubt it not.) Things are far too serious for such empty gestures. What matter now our petty and selfish concerns people?! We must put these aside, at least for the moment, and take real action before it too late. What is needed is a general strike of indefinite period or in continual patches over time, encompassing all the services we provide (for money), until the chemtrail project/atrocity is acknowledged, revealed and terminated permanently. And, of course, we mustn't neglect to help each other during those period(s) - we need to tap into the unfathomable and inimitable power of sharing, of disinterested action. Furthermore, these periods of general strike could be coupled with "oil free days" when the use of oil products are boycotted for a stipulated number of days, say from three days to a week. (Just watch those oil prices fall!) That will strike at the very heart, or what passes for one, of the psychopaths currently poisoning our skies and controlling our lives. And we should also take steps to move away permanently, as individuals, the best we can in our particular circumstances, from dependence on fossil fuels.
For the article "The Money Trap: Do I Need To Be A Slave To Money? (Applying the Scientific Method to the Question of Liberty)" click here.
The above suggestions are not intended to be exhaustive, they are only some ways in which we as a community, local, national and international, can begin to get together to face and fight this. But first remove all possible doubts you may have that this atrocity is taking place. That is the essential first step. Then decide for yourselves what is the appropriate action to take for the sake of the Geelong, the Australia and the world we are going to pass on to our children and their children too. Please feel free to distribute, electronically or otherwise, (unedited) copies of the letter/information sheet companion to this website, as widely as you are able. You can download it as a pdf here. Or you can download some simple text-only flyers here to distribute and refer others to this website*.
Yours Sincerely,
A fellow human being.
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." - Thomas Jefferson
"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends than that good men should look on and do nothing." - John Stuart Mill
"Such a parcel of rogues in a nation." - Robert Burns