Amazon bans books exposing the Holocaust fraud
March 2017
More Jewish panic, bullying and hypocrisy as the public continues to unplug from the perception management machine: digital bookstore, Amazon, bows to pressure from Jewish groups and media (and a spate of timely false flags), banning hundreds of titles by Holocaust revisionist scholars as sales begin to soar worldwide. Barnes & Noble follows suit. Predictably, the fake news mainstream media ignores the story.
When leading revisionist scholar, Germar Rudolf, was asked recently (in an interview with Kevin Barrett - see below) why he thought Amazon had resorted to the digital equivalent of a mass "book-burning" this month, he summed it up simply in one word: "Success".
Speaking of his publishing company, Castle Hill, Rudolf explained:
Germar Rudolf |
“At the end of last year we had some 100 titles listed.....And soon we were observing sales statistics with some of these [revisionist] books that were similar to comparable books representing orthodoxy. Sometimes ours were selling better than those of the orthodoxy. And that development was prevalent since last summer and early fall. I was observing that we were catching up and overtaking the sales of the other side......Well, the Jewish lobby can read those statistics too. It is a matter of cultural hegemony. This topic is extremely crucial for their cultural hegemony: put a guilt trip on everyone because of the poor Jews being exterminated, and the threat of them being exterminated again. They can manipulate everyone, including their own people: Jews are being educated to be paranoid against non-Jews, to keep the sheep in the flock. So they use it for both sides. So these (sales statistics) showed there was a paradigm shift, a cultural threat, and if they let it happen it would strike at the very core of their hegemony. And so something was bound to happen."
And happen it did. Of course this latest attack on the principles of free speech was preceded and backed by an altogether predictable rash of Jewish false flags fit to deceive only the most dedicated of dupes. Among the stunts pulled has been that old and trusty favourite: the 'desecration' of Jewish cemeteries (in the US) by hateful 'anti-semites' (yawn). Needless to say, no suspects have been identified regarding any of the cemeteries allegedly desecrated (in New York and Philadelphia), despite the offering of large rewards for information. In fact, in the case of the cemetery in Brooklyn, New York, the incidents of alleged 'vandalism' were later declared by the NYPD to be a false alarm. Apparently the culprit was only time and the elements after all (or so we are told) - an abrupt change-of-story resulting undoubtedly from the kind of real and elementary scrutiny and investigation that those who made the original allegations have been hitherto unaccustomed to receive in such circumstances.
False flag exposed. Above: Israeli father and son team (that's junior on the left) arrested in connection with a spate of bomb threats against Jewish community centers in the US, Australia and New Zealand. |
Compounding the reasonable doubts surrounding the remarkably (and suspiciously) politically-convenient cemetery incidents, a spate of bomb threats made against Jewish community centres and schools in the US (as well as targets in Australia and New Zealand) has turned out to be the work of a Jewish father and son team working out of Israel who just happened to have sophisticated cyber camouflage technology at their disposal. The Washington Post and other Jewish propaganda rags have demonstrated yet again the contempt they have for the intelligence of their diminishing readership by reporting the arrest of this pair of Israeli terrorists without making any reference at all to the possibility of a false flag operation (screenshot here), citing the motives of the father and son duo as 'not immediately clear'. Of course, one of the suspects (the relatively inexperienced junior) has the usual prerequisite 'mental health history' to fall back on if things get, shall we say, complicated down the line.
We are also expected to believe (at least it has been implied) that Israeli police worked willingly with the FBI and European and New Zealand authorities in tracking down the real sources of the so-called 'threats' against Jewish community groups, instead of simply bowing to the pressure of the evidence presented to them by their international counterparts and then going through the motions of phoney Israeli judicial procedure for the sake of the international press. In fact, the Israeli police reportedly only made the arrests after US President Donald Trump sent 12 federal agents to Israel (screenshot here) to assist them with their troubles making due arrests based on the facts. In any case, while readership waits in vain for things to 'clear' up at rags like the Washington Post, no doubt none of these fresh and highly significant revelations about Jewish complicity will receive the coverage by the Jewish controlled mainstream press (not meaningfully anyway) that the initial 'anti-semitic' fake news narrative has (and, amazingly, is still getting); the latter serving as a pretext for the recent mass-censoring by Amazon of much-feared Holocaust revisionist literature.
Keeping in mind then that the above said revisionist books are, as Germar Rudolf points out, 'dispassionate scientific and historical treatises' featuring 'no incitements to hatred, nor any derogatory language toward any racial, ethnic, or religious groups', we are compelled again to ask simply: what exactly is it about the other side of the Holocaust debate that Jews are so afraid of  that they should go to such lengths to keep it from public view? And what does this kind of flagrant, unwarranted and clearly tyrannical censorship say about the current state of so-called 'democracy' and 'freedom of speech' in western nations? Or the part played in bringing about its present deplorable condition by what is effectively something akin to a foreign occupying power operating within our own borders?
Right: Click play to listen to the full interview with Germar Rudolf. (Please note: the present author does not consider Rudolf's comparison of the revisionist/orthodoxy debate to the creation/evolution debate to be an exact one for reasons I will not go into here.)
See also: Brother Nathanael, ex-Jew, now Christian activist par excellence, gives us his take on the "Amazon book burning" scandal with customary insight, concision and style here. Transcript here.
Update April 2017: Another war for Israel?
Speaking of false flags and phoney attacks: former US congressman, Ron Paul, gives some compelling, common sense reasons here why the recent alleged 'gas attack' in Syria has 'zero chance' of being the work of the Assad government. But then, since when did the Israel-lackey warmongers in the US and UK political establishment and mainstream media ever let common sense and plain facts get in the way of a vile propaganda yarn?
Of course the Syrian incident raises important questions (for those free enough to ask them) about the undue and undemocratic pressure that can be brought to bear on a US president, elected by the US people, by a pack of unfounded and clearly extortive allegations about collusion with Russia, and associated underlying threats of impeachment.
And it also raises questions about the extent to which a much needed, healthy (Christian) friendship between two great world powers, America and Russia, can be hindered by same ever-recurring and all too convenient allegations, and the political hyenas and leeches brewing them up behind the scenes - now fast losing their grip on the American political narrative (and the minds of the American people), while holding tenaciously to what is left of a gangrenous, American political system and judiciary.