PsyOp Geelong: Train Drivers and other Creepy Crawlies
March 2014
March 2014
Psychology, if nothing else, gives the initiated a wide scope for the implementation of subtle devices of coercive manipulation. Many would be astonished, if not disgusted and incensed to learn the lengths to which public resources are being expended in these underhanded and often puerile ventures. Individuals are targeted using literally gangs of automaton-like mind controlled stooges ("gang stalkers" - dim-witted, easily misled/manipulated and power-coveting members of local community vigilante-type groups) who form part of carefully crafted strategies of behaviour modification, mental torture and other tactics based on target profiles. Criminal and megalomaniacal policy-shapers and elements of the police and defence forces, as well as the utterly depraved so-called "intelligence" services, who know no real national allegiance, and observe no real national boundaries, in truth, and whose list of crimes in recent times is enough to make a man sick at the mere thought of them, direct these criminal "psy-ops" (a military term abbreviating the longer "psychological operations") from behind the scenes.
Ultra-sophisticated, hi-tech surveillance and through-the-wall EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) weaponry - thermal and non-thermal, ELF and VLF (extremely and very low frequency) and microwaves (including middle-of-the-skull "microwave-hearing" technology) - all enable round-the-clock 'psychotronic' and physiological torture and harassment of targets with little risk of exposure to the perpetrators. This harassment can include brain monitoring and intrusion, sleep deprivation techniques, biological effects that mimic illnesses and other devices aimed at behavioural modification or just idle experimentation. Employed alongside neuro-linguistic/subliminal street and neighbourhood theatrics, character assassination (so-called "rumour protocol") and noise campaigns, the perpetrators of this ongoing crime against humanity seek thus to practise coercive and debilitating psychology on targeted individuals and groups or communities, when incarceration is not a feasible option.
Sometimes the ultra-sicko perpetrators are just enjoying themselves. Only a target can know just how utterly depraved and puerile these people can be. Depravity and technology are a foul and dangerous combination. Yet somehow these perverse asses have got a hold of the controls, and it's open season on human decency. Even using the term 'people' for them is an insult to the human race - I do not say that lightly. Military personnel reportedly refuse to discuss EMR weaponry and technology with media representatives and researchers saying the information is far too 'sensitive' - a euphemism for totally unacceptable to decent human beings. Perhaps some of them who know enough to know how deeply wrong and immoral it is are afraid of becoming targets themselves, in which case they are cowards as well as accomplices to war criminals.
As far back as 1979, the UN Committee on Disarmament discussed these new technologies and the grave danger that they might be used as a new and insidious weapon of mass destruction:
"As a result of research into the effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological targets, the existence of harmful effects of radio-frequency radiations within a wide range of frequencies on such vitally important organs of the human as the heart, the brain and the central nervous system may now be regarded as a firmly established fact. Assessments quoted in international literature of the potential danger of the development of a new weapon of mass destruction are based on the results of research into the so-called “non-thermal” effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological targets. These effects may take the form of damage to or disruption of the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the human organism or of changes in its functioning." (For more, including reference, click here.)
Stefan Possony, often cited as “the intellectual father of ‘Star Wars’” and “one of the most influential civilian strategic planners in the Pentagon,” wrote in his 1983 Defense and Foreign Affairs article, “Scientific Advances Hold Dramatic Prospects for Psy-Strat”:
"Suppose it becomes feasible to affect brain cells by low frequency waves or beams, thereby altering psychological states, and making it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into the brain. Who is so rash as to doubt that technological breakthroughs of this general type would not be put promptly to psyops use? More importantly who would seriously assume that such a technology would not be deployed to accomplish political and military surprise?
Who indeed? Only the blind and gullible masses, including obsolete (if not corrupt) law enforcement personnel who have been left behind scoffing or incredulous in the land of conventional weapons by criminals operating EMR technology with more or less complete impunity, thanks to their ignorance. And that's the better law enforcement officers, the worse ones are among the criminals, of course. And the ones that are neither ignorant nor (directly) criminal are simply ineffectual cowards, apparently - otherwise, no doubt, they'd be out of a job.
For more on the history of EMR technology see Cheryl Welsh's excellent research site on mind control technology, Both the UN and Possony citations are from that site. (Read more here.) Another excellent source of information on mind control technology is former US army intelligence officer Julianne McKinney's "Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation", written in 1991 and still regarded as one of the most authoritative documents on the subject. (Click here for a pdf.) Julianne McKinney is a member of the Association of National Security Alumni, an organization of former intelligence officers dedicated to exposing excesses by the US intelligence services.
Ultra-sophisticated, hi-tech surveillance and through-the-wall EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) weaponry - thermal and non-thermal, ELF and VLF (extremely and very low frequency) and microwaves (including middle-of-the-skull "microwave-hearing" technology) - all enable round-the-clock 'psychotronic' and physiological torture and harassment of targets with little risk of exposure to the perpetrators. This harassment can include brain monitoring and intrusion, sleep deprivation techniques, biological effects that mimic illnesses and other devices aimed at behavioural modification or just idle experimentation. Employed alongside neuro-linguistic/subliminal street and neighbourhood theatrics, character assassination (so-called "rumour protocol") and noise campaigns, the perpetrators of this ongoing crime against humanity seek thus to practise coercive and debilitating psychology on targeted individuals and groups or communities, when incarceration is not a feasible option.
Sometimes the ultra-sicko perpetrators are just enjoying themselves. Only a target can know just how utterly depraved and puerile these people can be. Depravity and technology are a foul and dangerous combination. Yet somehow these perverse asses have got a hold of the controls, and it's open season on human decency. Even using the term 'people' for them is an insult to the human race - I do not say that lightly. Military personnel reportedly refuse to discuss EMR weaponry and technology with media representatives and researchers saying the information is far too 'sensitive' - a euphemism for totally unacceptable to decent human beings. Perhaps some of them who know enough to know how deeply wrong and immoral it is are afraid of becoming targets themselves, in which case they are cowards as well as accomplices to war criminals.
As far back as 1979, the UN Committee on Disarmament discussed these new technologies and the grave danger that they might be used as a new and insidious weapon of mass destruction:
"As a result of research into the effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological targets, the existence of harmful effects of radio-frequency radiations within a wide range of frequencies on such vitally important organs of the human as the heart, the brain and the central nervous system may now be regarded as a firmly established fact. Assessments quoted in international literature of the potential danger of the development of a new weapon of mass destruction are based on the results of research into the so-called “non-thermal” effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological targets. These effects may take the form of damage to or disruption of the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the human organism or of changes in its functioning." (For more, including reference, click here.)
Stefan Possony, often cited as “the intellectual father of ‘Star Wars’” and “one of the most influential civilian strategic planners in the Pentagon,” wrote in his 1983 Defense and Foreign Affairs article, “Scientific Advances Hold Dramatic Prospects for Psy-Strat”:
"Suppose it becomes feasible to affect brain cells by low frequency waves or beams, thereby altering psychological states, and making it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into the brain. Who is so rash as to doubt that technological breakthroughs of this general type would not be put promptly to psyops use? More importantly who would seriously assume that such a technology would not be deployed to accomplish political and military surprise?
Who indeed? Only the blind and gullible masses, including obsolete (if not corrupt) law enforcement personnel who have been left behind scoffing or incredulous in the land of conventional weapons by criminals operating EMR technology with more or less complete impunity, thanks to their ignorance. And that's the better law enforcement officers, the worse ones are among the criminals, of course. And the ones that are neither ignorant nor (directly) criminal are simply ineffectual cowards, apparently - otherwise, no doubt, they'd be out of a job.
For more on the history of EMR technology see Cheryl Welsh's excellent research site on mind control technology, Both the UN and Possony citations are from that site. (Read more here.) Another excellent source of information on mind control technology is former US army intelligence officer Julianne McKinney's "Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation", written in 1991 and still regarded as one of the most authoritative documents on the subject. (Click here for a pdf.) Julianne McKinney is a member of the Association of National Security Alumni, an organization of former intelligence officers dedicated to exposing excesses by the US intelligence services.
Above: People take to the streets in the US and Russia protesting the use of psychotronic weapons. Hover for details.

Even the administering of drugs against the target's will can be accomplished by the aerosol spraying of nano-particulate pharmaceuticals into the target's air space. This technology exists and in the form of nasal inhalants is cited in medical articles (a short abstract from one is here for example) as the most efficient method of getting drugs past the so-called "brain blood barrier": - that is, straight to the brain. Many believe that pharmaceuticals are being administered in this way to the unsuspecting public via aerial aerosols (chemtrails) citing tiredness, nausea and dizziness among many other symptoms that follow on from periods of observed heavy spraying overhead. (Although, actually, heavy metal nanoparticles alone could cause these symptoms by increasing the levels of oxidative stress in the body.) And many in the US and Canada remember Donald Rumsfeld, in a TV interview soon after 9/11, admitting that the US military had the capacity to aerial blanket spray whole cities with aerosol forms of pharmaceuticals such as Prozac and Valium for their calmative effect, but you won't find that clip anywhere now.
If the reader is incredulous I suggest you do your own research into this. You need to understand the true nature of coercive power beyond the smokescreen behind which it must necessarily hide itself from decent human beings. Actually psychological operations are not even classified information. The military has openly admitted they exist though of course they are not so ready to admit that they are being used against domestic civilian targets. Nor do they disclose their innate nastiness, puerility, cowardliness and criminality except to label some of them suggestively 'black ops'. Know then that any incredulity you may feel about this is based on your delusion that the so-called defence forces of this country and elsewhere serve primarily nations (a side issue at best), which is patently false. The defence organizations' leadership at the highest level serves largely the political interests of international money hoarders and special interest groups, that is to say, the rampant egomaniacs and psychopaths who currently control our blind and/or spineless political leaders through the corrupt and soulless money system. Obviously. Wake up. To call these creeps 'control freaks' is to make the understatement of the millennium. The little guy of our so-called defence and police forces works on a need to know basis, he simply does the tiny little bit of the jigsaw that he's told to do, and paid to do, and rarely if ever understands the actual significance of what he is taking part in, in fact he is deliberately misled about it along with the rest of us. If he knows more than that then he a war criminal too, like the leadership he serves.
Please understand these behind-the-scenes, far away and insulated string-pullers don't consider the so-called "collateral damage" of their methods, you can take it from me - all of their covert methods are practised behind a cowardly and sneaky veneer of "plausible deniability", which means basically that they are always conducted in such a way that can be passed off to the public as something that might plausibly be believed to be normal or reasonable. Actually the general sleeping masses are irrelevant as far as the perpetrators of these attacks are concerned, only the target and themselves count, that is where the war is actually at, everything else is mere background or cannon fodder. And if anyone targeted in such a fashion were naïve enough to complain of such treatment to the so-called "authorities" what could be simpler than branding them paranoiac and thereby securing, through the psychiatric institution, the incarceration that previously had been impossible? Only psychiatry can legally incarcerate a person against their will without any real due process of law and simply at the behest of one or two officials, where no crime has been committed. Think of the implications of that, if you will. In this way chemical lobotomies can be attempted by way of pharmaceutical drugs posing as 'treatment', along with the threat of forced intravenous delivery should same 'treatment' be refused by the beleaguered 'patient', and all simply because a psychiatrist says so. Can you think of any other professional with that kind of power? And the opportunity to abuse it?
Click here for the article "Psychiatry: Science or Fraud? The professor's trick that exposed the ongoing Psychiatry racket"
David and Goliath
Keep this in mind: the people doing the targeting have all the resources of the state at their disposal for their purpose or similar levels of financial backing from other sources, while the targeted individuals have little or no resources at all. It is David and Goliath on a grand scale. Those targeted have committed no crimes, they are targeted simply because they are known to have minds of their own. How can that persecution possibly be justified? The answer, of course is that it can't , which is precisely why these torture campaigns are conducted secretly in such a way as to keep them from public view, though as we have seen, only barely in some cases - the deeper asleep the general masses get, the more openly can these campaigns be conducted. Chemtrails are the obvious example. But ask yourself this simple question: if what these creepy crawlies directing or simply by-passing our defence forces and "intelligence" services from behind the scenes do is truly honourable then why the need to hide it? Only evil needs to hide, goodness conducts itself openly - it has no problem being seen, it needs no pretence, no covert operations, no deceptions and no secrecy.
State Sponsored Urban Noise Terrorism - Geelong
A good example of just how absurd the attempts to plausibly deny dastardly psychological operations can be happened here in Geelong a few years ago, when for the previous couple of years a campaign of urban terrorism was waged on the unsuspecting Geelong public by deranged psychopaths driving V-Line trains. The target of this particular campaign was in fact one individual, yet literally thousands of Geelong people were subject day and night to a barrage of train tooting and other noise enhancing driving devices and methods that beggared belief in their utter maliciousness and impropriety. The barely plausible excuse offered by the authorities (including V-Line) for this criminal madness was that rail safety was being somehow served, so that when finally a general outcry resulted in the authorities having to take some action against these lunatics a ridiculous scenario ensued with the erecting of permanent traffic lights at the boom gates on McKillop Street - all at the public's expense of course. And the mainstream media as usual went along for the ride telling people each step of the way what they ought to think about it all, when the facts of the matter were plain to those still retaining the ability to use their own minds, eyes and ears. Has there ever been a more transparent piece of wool pulled over a public's eyes than this? - that a railway line that already had three lines of protection, visual, aural and physical, needed in addition to that a set of traffic lights as well! Yet this is the kind of absurdity we are asked to swallow so that the delusion of virtuous and effective government can go on unhindered: "Now we have those lights the train driver can be quiet", we are told, "it was only our safety they were concerned about after all".....what nonsense! Does anybody really buy this rubbish?
Little River - An Ongoing Target
Sadly, though these psychopathic stooges have been somewhat checked in the City of Geelong (you may still hear them chomping at the bit now and then) the use of V-line trains as urban noise terrorism devices continues unabated in other areas of the Greater Geelong region. Little River, for example, has been particularly targeted for many years now. The writer of this article knows personally of one country road in Little River where out of five households, two have sold up and another seasonally vacated as a direct result of this domestic state sponsored terrorism.
Please understand that we are not describing atrocities from one of Hollywood's absurd 'Nazi' Germany propaganda frauds, or Soviet Russia as it really was at its worst, or some dark place far, far away and a long time ago. This is happening right now in Australia, and around the world in other so-called 'free' countries and 'democracies', and has been going on for years. It is part and parcel of a war going on for your mind and your liberty. If you aren't aware of it, it simply means you have already lost that war, or you never had anything of real value to lose in the first place - you have never really known what it is to possess your own souls - the unmatchable value of that. In that case, this article is not really for you at all, just go back to TV land and fall back to sleep. And catch that train to work in the morning - the slave driver/train driver is at the wheel waiting for you and your children too. But know this: even if you refuse to believe that such a war exists, it won't go away. Or if you think that it serves targeted people right for having too big a mouth than is good for them or for sticking their necks out where it didn't belong just remember too, it is the most sensitive instruments that react first to the oncoming disaster, but sooner or later it hits us all. And it's doing that right now whether we want to take our head out of the proverbial sand or not - chemtrail aerosols, whether they be nanoparticles of toxic metal, or biological or pharmaceutical components or all three in combination, know no discrimination as they fall on our heads and our children's heads from the sky. How bad will it have to get before we cease to deny the obvious?
The Choice Is Ours
Nevertheless we can stop this if we can all pull together and recognize the enemy where it really lies. Then it's not so much a matter of fighting it, but simply withdrawing our support from it - it is our co-operation for the sake of money or temporary security, that gives the criminal perpetrators of chemtrails their power and nought else - our fear that we cannot survive without them and their structures, or the illusions they create for us and give us to cling to, when in fact the truth is that there can be no survival at all for any of us if we allow these things to go on unchecked. Fear is the real enemy, everything else is just smoke and mirrors. That is what the free man knows and the slave doesn't. And since knowledge is available to anyone who truly desires it the decision to be rid of the slave master is our own. It cannot enforce its policies if the people it is using for that enforcement wake up to the fact that they are being used not just against innocent others, but against themselves too and their own children. In short, we need to awaken to, and take responsibility for, our own tragedy, and we need to do it now.
If the reader is incredulous I suggest you do your own research into this. You need to understand the true nature of coercive power beyond the smokescreen behind which it must necessarily hide itself from decent human beings. Actually psychological operations are not even classified information. The military has openly admitted they exist though of course they are not so ready to admit that they are being used against domestic civilian targets. Nor do they disclose their innate nastiness, puerility, cowardliness and criminality except to label some of them suggestively 'black ops'. Know then that any incredulity you may feel about this is based on your delusion that the so-called defence forces of this country and elsewhere serve primarily nations (a side issue at best), which is patently false. The defence organizations' leadership at the highest level serves largely the political interests of international money hoarders and special interest groups, that is to say, the rampant egomaniacs and psychopaths who currently control our blind and/or spineless political leaders through the corrupt and soulless money system. Obviously. Wake up. To call these creeps 'control freaks' is to make the understatement of the millennium. The little guy of our so-called defence and police forces works on a need to know basis, he simply does the tiny little bit of the jigsaw that he's told to do, and paid to do, and rarely if ever understands the actual significance of what he is taking part in, in fact he is deliberately misled about it along with the rest of us. If he knows more than that then he a war criminal too, like the leadership he serves.
Please understand these behind-the-scenes, far away and insulated string-pullers don't consider the so-called "collateral damage" of their methods, you can take it from me - all of their covert methods are practised behind a cowardly and sneaky veneer of "plausible deniability", which means basically that they are always conducted in such a way that can be passed off to the public as something that might plausibly be believed to be normal or reasonable. Actually the general sleeping masses are irrelevant as far as the perpetrators of these attacks are concerned, only the target and themselves count, that is where the war is actually at, everything else is mere background or cannon fodder. And if anyone targeted in such a fashion were naïve enough to complain of such treatment to the so-called "authorities" what could be simpler than branding them paranoiac and thereby securing, through the psychiatric institution, the incarceration that previously had been impossible? Only psychiatry can legally incarcerate a person against their will without any real due process of law and simply at the behest of one or two officials, where no crime has been committed. Think of the implications of that, if you will. In this way chemical lobotomies can be attempted by way of pharmaceutical drugs posing as 'treatment', along with the threat of forced intravenous delivery should same 'treatment' be refused by the beleaguered 'patient', and all simply because a psychiatrist says so. Can you think of any other professional with that kind of power? And the opportunity to abuse it?
Click here for the article "Psychiatry: Science or Fraud? The professor's trick that exposed the ongoing Psychiatry racket"
David and Goliath
Keep this in mind: the people doing the targeting have all the resources of the state at their disposal for their purpose or similar levels of financial backing from other sources, while the targeted individuals have little or no resources at all. It is David and Goliath on a grand scale. Those targeted have committed no crimes, they are targeted simply because they are known to have minds of their own. How can that persecution possibly be justified? The answer, of course is that it can't , which is precisely why these torture campaigns are conducted secretly in such a way as to keep them from public view, though as we have seen, only barely in some cases - the deeper asleep the general masses get, the more openly can these campaigns be conducted. Chemtrails are the obvious example. But ask yourself this simple question: if what these creepy crawlies directing or simply by-passing our defence forces and "intelligence" services from behind the scenes do is truly honourable then why the need to hide it? Only evil needs to hide, goodness conducts itself openly - it has no problem being seen, it needs no pretence, no covert operations, no deceptions and no secrecy.
State Sponsored Urban Noise Terrorism - Geelong
A good example of just how absurd the attempts to plausibly deny dastardly psychological operations can be happened here in Geelong a few years ago, when for the previous couple of years a campaign of urban terrorism was waged on the unsuspecting Geelong public by deranged psychopaths driving V-Line trains. The target of this particular campaign was in fact one individual, yet literally thousands of Geelong people were subject day and night to a barrage of train tooting and other noise enhancing driving devices and methods that beggared belief in their utter maliciousness and impropriety. The barely plausible excuse offered by the authorities (including V-Line) for this criminal madness was that rail safety was being somehow served, so that when finally a general outcry resulted in the authorities having to take some action against these lunatics a ridiculous scenario ensued with the erecting of permanent traffic lights at the boom gates on McKillop Street - all at the public's expense of course. And the mainstream media as usual went along for the ride telling people each step of the way what they ought to think about it all, when the facts of the matter were plain to those still retaining the ability to use their own minds, eyes and ears. Has there ever been a more transparent piece of wool pulled over a public's eyes than this? - that a railway line that already had three lines of protection, visual, aural and physical, needed in addition to that a set of traffic lights as well! Yet this is the kind of absurdity we are asked to swallow so that the delusion of virtuous and effective government can go on unhindered: "Now we have those lights the train driver can be quiet", we are told, "it was only our safety they were concerned about after all".....what nonsense! Does anybody really buy this rubbish?
Little River - An Ongoing Target
Sadly, though these psychopathic stooges have been somewhat checked in the City of Geelong (you may still hear them chomping at the bit now and then) the use of V-line trains as urban noise terrorism devices continues unabated in other areas of the Greater Geelong region. Little River, for example, has been particularly targeted for many years now. The writer of this article knows personally of one country road in Little River where out of five households, two have sold up and another seasonally vacated as a direct result of this domestic state sponsored terrorism.
Please understand that we are not describing atrocities from one of Hollywood's absurd 'Nazi' Germany propaganda frauds, or Soviet Russia as it really was at its worst, or some dark place far, far away and a long time ago. This is happening right now in Australia, and around the world in other so-called 'free' countries and 'democracies', and has been going on for years. It is part and parcel of a war going on for your mind and your liberty. If you aren't aware of it, it simply means you have already lost that war, or you never had anything of real value to lose in the first place - you have never really known what it is to possess your own souls - the unmatchable value of that. In that case, this article is not really for you at all, just go back to TV land and fall back to sleep. And catch that train to work in the morning - the slave driver/train driver is at the wheel waiting for you and your children too. But know this: even if you refuse to believe that such a war exists, it won't go away. Or if you think that it serves targeted people right for having too big a mouth than is good for them or for sticking their necks out where it didn't belong just remember too, it is the most sensitive instruments that react first to the oncoming disaster, but sooner or later it hits us all. And it's doing that right now whether we want to take our head out of the proverbial sand or not - chemtrail aerosols, whether they be nanoparticles of toxic metal, or biological or pharmaceutical components or all three in combination, know no discrimination as they fall on our heads and our children's heads from the sky. How bad will it have to get before we cease to deny the obvious?
The Choice Is Ours
Nevertheless we can stop this if we can all pull together and recognize the enemy where it really lies. Then it's not so much a matter of fighting it, but simply withdrawing our support from it - it is our co-operation for the sake of money or temporary security, that gives the criminal perpetrators of chemtrails their power and nought else - our fear that we cannot survive without them and their structures, or the illusions they create for us and give us to cling to, when in fact the truth is that there can be no survival at all for any of us if we allow these things to go on unchecked. Fear is the real enemy, everything else is just smoke and mirrors. That is what the free man knows and the slave doesn't. And since knowledge is available to anyone who truly desires it the decision to be rid of the slave master is our own. It cannot enforce its policies if the people it is using for that enforcement wake up to the fact that they are being used not just against innocent others, but against themselves too and their own children. In short, we need to awaken to, and take responsibility for, our own tragedy, and we need to do it now.