Vodafone and Symantec Move to Deny Access to CG in the UK
September 2018
Since the publication of our previous article in June, "The Criminalization of Free Speech and the Faking of Democracy", it has come to our attention that access to the Chemtrails Geelong website is being speciously, if not illegally, stifled and denied to users of Vodafone in the UK. Those seeking access using a Vodafone UK SIM are now being directed to a page telling them that the website contains "adult content". They are then asked to verify their over 18 status with a debit or credit card.
Of course those familiar with the content of this website will know that this has, in fact, nothing to do with protecting young people and everything to do with protecting the selfish interests of those who feel most threatened by the truths contained herein. Indeed in a perverse kind of way the Sky Broadband categorisation is quite right. Truth is the most effective weapon against tyranny.
In fact, the ability of ISPs to arbitrarily block access to internet content was made ostensibly legal in the UK only last year in an amendment by the House of (so-called) Lords, namely, section 104 of the Digital Economy Act 2017. The method, however, by which ISPs and their agents collect information about the content of sites visited by end users so as to facilitate censorship may still be illegal according to UK statutory law (see the article linked below). In any case it ought to be. The content of end users' internet activity is, after all, no business of an ISP or any other private corporation for that matter. Obviously.
Those familiar with the content of this website will know that this has nothing to do with protecting young people and everything to do with protecting the selfish interests of those who feel most threatened by the truths contained herein. Indeed in a perverse kind of way the Sky Broadband categorisation is quite right. Truth is the most effective weapon against tyranny.
Of course, what ought to be of concern to anyone genuinely interested in the integrity of the internet is that ways and means are being found by the usual suspects to stifle or deny access to websites even on platforms not owned and controlled by censors. Obviously this is an intolerable state of affairs in a real democracy.
So who exactly is behind the move by Vodafone we ask?
No surprises here. It turns out that the company that handles the content control lists and the dubiously acquired user data for Vodafone UK is none other than US tech giant, Symantec, the latter taking over the operation when it acquired previous operator, Blue Coat Systems, in 2016. Interestingly (as mentioned above) less than a year later a law was passed in the UK permitting ISPs to block internet content to end users provided the latter were informed of it in ISP terms and conditions.
Above: self-appointed cultural missionary, Dan Schulman |
Symantec is chaired by Jewish businessman Dan Schulman, who also runs Paypal. Readers may be familiar with the name. Apparently Schulman, whose annual salary according to Wikipedia exceeds 18 million USD, fancies himself as something of a champion of civil rights, the poor and the downtrodden. Closer inspection, however, reveals his stance to be as specious and tawdry as cynical attempts by himself and others to censor dissenting voices on the internet in the name of protecting children and young people. In fact, as we have discussed elsewhere on this website, the apparent altruism and philanthropy of such men is invariably self serving, phoney, opportunistic and superficial, if not plain subversive.
Consider for example that Schulman's much publicized and trumpeted concern for civil rights does not appear to extend to one of the most fundamental of all - the right to express oneself freely and be heard without false impediment. Neither do Schulman's empty platitudes about "equality" make any difference to Palestinian victims of gross human rights abuses in the West Bank and Gaza for whom Schulman actively, and shamelessly, denies access to Paypal services. He is however, like so many of his tribe in the US, a staunch proponent of sexual perversion in the country unfortunate enough to host him (the USA), a position for which he receives, no doubt, full support from the prostitutes and propagandists passing for mainstream "journalists" in same country.
What ought to be of concern to anyone genuinely interested in the integrity of the internet is that ways and means are being found by the usual suspects to stifle or deny access to websites even on platforms not owned and controlled by censors. Obviously this is an intolerable state of affairs in a real democracy.
Note the disturbing quasi-religious overtones - in case anyone was foolish enough to think we were dealing simply with an internet payment facilitator. I mean, it's just as well we have self-appointed "cultural missionaries" from the world of multinational corporations to inform our toilet habits and protect the minds of our children and youth on the internet, isn't it?
Indeed, when one considers properly the so-called "values", "mission" and "culture" espoused by self-styled prophets of degeneracy and convenience like Schulman and company, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that the people and leadership of North Carolina, for their part, stood to lose very little by standing up to corporate bullies, compared to what they stood to lose by giving in. Of course this goes deeper than a law about public toilets. The surface issue in this case is only one possible manifestation of the much deeper question of who and what we make the basis of the way we live our lives. This is about self-determination. Will we live, as Christians, by what is right or will we accept from others what is merely convenient? Only one is sustainable in the long run, not only in the material sense, but also psychologically and spiritually. Beyond the phoney smiles and false assurances of counterfeit leadership or the meaningless gestures of controlled opposition, that is the dire truth that the Enemy of Mankind will go to any lengths to hide.
Unfortunately the HB2 law was repealed and compromised just over a year after it was passed in the face of an almost unbelievable onslaught of corporate blackmail and scare-tactics to the tune of hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars. The withdrawal, or the threat of withdrawal, of sports and entertainment events was used much like candy might be used to bribe a child, or peer pressure to confound a teenager. Panem et circenses. Most notable among the entertainment boycotters were Itzhak Perlman and Bruce Springsteen, and the Cirque du Soleil chaired by Jewish businessman Mitch Garber. In addition to all that, proponents of the law faced well-funded lawsuits from the likes of the utterly Godless and predominantly Jewish ACLU, a relentlessly hostile and manipulative news media campaign from a similarly dominated mainstream media, and most significantly, an extremely close gubernatorial election result which, we note, was contested after-the-fact on grounds of voter fraud. Business as usual, in other words, in spiritually-hijacked America.
If a man would protect himself, his family or his nation from pernicious content on the internet or elsewhere, then let him learn proper discrimination and discernment first, in Christ, and help others to do the same. In this way he will not seek security at the expense of his freedom, and find he has neither.
 Further Reading
"Vodastalk; Vodafone and Bluecoat Stalking Subscribers"*
An article by an independent journalist for nodpi.org.uk, a grass roots anti-internet espionage site based in the UK. Written in 2011 it reveals the underhanded tactics employed by Blue Coat Systems and Vodafone for censorship purposes, and the reluctance/incapacity of UK authorities to investigate or prosecute.
[Update 2019: apparently, the above-mentioned site is now having access issues. If all else fails you can see a screenshot of the linked article here. You may need to zoom in to read.]
"Changing the Subject"
Jews and Jewish organizations are especially active in denying youth in ostensibly Christian host nations access to anything but perverted values, politically correct narratives and historical bunk on key issues, not only on the internet but also in schools and the mass media. The above article from July last year reveals elements of their essential modus operandi.
*CG cannot vouch for unlinked articles on external websites.