The Sex Deception
(A Young Man's Guide)
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
- Cicero
Better celibate than a slave ....
OK, so what?, you may ask. Just another sexual image on a busy city street. City streets are full of them. Yet on reflection it seemed to me that in a form much less covert than usual the whole sex deception was revealed in that poster – a deception I will now attempt to explain, particularly to young men who are its chief targets and victims.
To understand what I am referring to here by the “sex deception” we need to understand something about the way desire and control mechanisms are related.
That which we desire can be used against us. Obviously. If your father has not told you this then he ought to. In any case I am telling you now. In particular, it can be used as a means to extract from us that which we otherwise would not be inclined to give away. And again obviously, it follows that the more intense, urgent or pressing the desire, the greater the chances that it can be used effectively as a control mechanism – that is, the more likely you will be prepared to pay a greater price to obtain that which you perceive to be the object of your desire.
Consider: when you purchase the object of your desire with money for example, what is it really costing you? What does the coloured paper you give over for it really represent? Actually it probably represents your agreement to obey another person's will regardless of any other will including your own, for a certain length of time and for the chief purpose of monetary remuneration, or in other words the currency with which you purchase the objects of your desire. To fail to do so means you go without and this is the metaphorical gun at your head or whip at your back that keeps you at your employer's beck and call. Actually it is a very subtle form of slavery.
Now sex desire is particularly potent. If you are a young man you've probably noticed this by now. Sex pleasure belongs to the appetites of the body and is intense, while pleasure, per se, without anything spiritually finer to temper it, is inclined to be a commodity. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Quid pro quo. Consider: why should a woman give you pleasure? What's in it for her? Either you return in kind or you compensate her for her efforts. Or somebody else does. If the purpose of sexual intercourse or activity is mere pleasure that's all it amounts to at the end of the day. We are not being cynical, we are simply calling a spade by its real name.
You may have further noticed, depending how awake you are, that the pop culture, mainly via the mass media and Hollywood, uses sex imagery, sex-emotion and sex-suggestion, even subliminals, in just about everything; from advertising, TV shows, movies and music videos; to video games, clothing fashion, newspapers, magazines and books. All this we are subject to from the youngest age, with a cumulative effect on our consciousness, and also a navigating one towards content increasingly explicit and contrived. Alternatively the sexual content may be more subtle and emotional, but nonetheless mischievous in design. At the same time our natural defences, that is, our finer sensibilities and feelings of repugnance towards that which is unsound, unreal, unjust, inhuman or anti-human are gradually desensitised or brutalised.
In more recent years this business of sexual navigation has been effectively adapted to cyberspace with interactive hyper-links designed to take a young man from one thing to another to yet another and sooner or later to more or less explicit, weaponized pornography, that is to say, the psychological juxtaposition or association (adultery) of sexual arousal and sex-emotion with false ideology and disorder.
Now think for a moment. Do you seriously think that all this exposure to content and imagery of a sexual or sex-emotional nature, adulterated with false ideology, phoney concepts of “freedom”, and various forms of desecration, profanity, violence and cheating is done for the sake of your (sexual) liberation, or your personal pleasure, or from the kindness of the hearts of those who see to it that this state of affairs exists in the first place? Come now, gentlemen. We are not that naïve, surely.
In fact, we are dealing here with an enterprise unabashedly and self-consciously calculated, truth be told; behavioural science and the most unscrupulous methods are employed for the purpose even, at enormous cost and tremendous aforethought. We will not discuss this in any great detail here, suffice to say that the exploitation of sex desire for the purposes of control is a long established tradition of tyrannical method.
Consider: if I can take a desire in you that is already naturally strong and exaggerate or exacerbate or even pervert it so as to make it even stronger, or better still for my nefarious purposes, more likely to be shy of exposure, then I have the means to enslave you by monopolising and manipulating the ways you seek to access satisfaction of that desire or even, if it seems to my advantage, by blackmail. Indeed, there is many a person in a position of power that has been confronted with evidence of some youthful indiscretion they never even knew existed, but which is nonetheless all too effective in compromising their political or business career thenceforth.
In short, if I can convince you that I, and I alone, however indirectly, have the keys to the satisfaction of your pressing urges, or your driving ambition, then you are mine for the taking – a slave or victim to your own youthful weakness and gullibility.
You may even be grateful to me for the privilege.
Please do not dismiss this as too bad to be true. It is one of the chief follies of youth to underestimate how low other men (and women), often our elders, will go to secure our enslavement. Education does not prepare you for this. In fact it deliberately misleads you as to the true nature of the world that seeks to “employ” you and engage you. Who you perceive to be your employer, or what you perceive to be engaging you, is really only the link closest to you in a long and unperceived chain that stretches back to entities you know nothing about and who seek to control everything that falls under their influence through money and other forms of incentive and intimidation. Your parents, "teachers", elders and peers have probably been misled, or are being misled, and thus in turn will also mislead. Try not to find out the hard way the truth of this. Rather, know it for certain: if there is a way to control and exploit you there will be someone willing to try to do so. That is a fact. All the more so when the methodology can be just as readily generalised to exploit vast numbers as it can be tailored to specific targets. But know this also: your own wisdom about these things will protect you. That is also a fact.
There is, however, more to the use of sex desire to exploit and enslave you than merely the use of the object of your desire and past indiscretions as bargaining tools to secure your co-operation, but it is not so obvious and will require you to watch and be aware of your own body and mind if you would confirm the truth of it.
It has to do with sexual continence and psychological idolatry and how these are related to the masculinity of your mind.
What is important to understand/perceive is that man is only sexually continent in so far as he is free of psychological idolatry, that is, identification with images (idols) created by Mind (both individual and collective) about himself and the world around him.
Psychological dependence and idolatry are related. Misplaced feelings of guilt or inadequacy with respect to sexuality, for example, arise from the sacrifices we imagine to be demanded by the idols of our mind. Indeed, the role such feelings can play in the cycle of dependence is a fact known only too well to those who would invoke and exploit it in others for the purposes of control. In any case such dependence is often experienced as, for example, a tendency to loneliness or depression, and a compulsive need to escape either feeling by means more or less dubious and destructive. A feedback loop can ensue leaving the mind open to control mechanisms - pharmaceutical ones for example ....
We will not discuss here in detail how a man might free himself from enslaving habits of pleasure and idolatry except to say that detached and holistic self observation, free of any condemnation or justification or any other form of counter-productive mental conflict/duality, is the key.
Unfortunately, the emasculation of the minds of men for the purposes of control has now been more or less generally accomplished in Western society, particularly in the English speaking world. But this has gone largely unnoticed because of a deliberately fostered, mass misunderstanding/confusion among men about what masculinity actually is.
So what exactly is masculinity?
Perhaps it might be simplest to begin with what masculinity isn't.
Masculinity does not mean being the top dog in the dog eat dog world of business, finance, politics or any other dog eat dog arena. A man is not a dog.
Neither does it mean watching sport on TV, drinking too much alcohol, gambling or being senselessly violent, all of which (or variants thereof) have been actively encouraged in foolish men, by oppressive powers that be, for control purposes, since time immemorial. Panem et circenses – bread and circuses – the ancient method.
It is clear that masculinity can have nothing whatsoever to do with sexual incontinence and promiscuity despite continual media misdirection regarding this.
Nor is it clueless and misplaced so-called “rebellion” or blind and cowardly conformity to social norms or power structure directives, or any other form of pack conformity.
All of the above are, in fact, symptoms of psychological puerility, not virility, though they are often made to seem compatible with the latter in the make-believe world of cinema and TV.
The mass media misrepresents violence and overemphasises sport, that is, the games of boys. Heroic characters are portrayed using violence for the sake of what is “right” or “just” or admirable on the cinematic or television screen, in movies, video games and news stories, in direct contrast to the real world where violence is more often than not employed as a form of cheating, that is, an attempt to claim something through the use of brute force that cannot be acquired through legitimate and just pathways. (Note that the threat of violence, explicit or implied, is also violence.)
Yet the fact is that a mind without justice is ever subject to unmanly fears and insecurity, since it cannot avoid the universal law of mind that we expect from others what we would do unto them, nor the universal law of nature that circumstances change.
Violence may strike out blindly in anger or fear or frustration, as a reaction to its own fetters, but, if blind, can only risk making those fetters stronger. Or it may seek to impress or frighten others, betraying an essentially dependent, insecure or paranoiac nature, while asserting a mere appearance of independence and courage through superficial dominance. Competitiveness, especially hyper competitiveness, can be similarly symptomatic of a deep need for approval from others, or the compulsive need to satisfy some greedy and voracious mental idol. And both needs are features of psychological dependence.
Actually, as previously intimated, psychological dependence and psychological idolatry always go hand in hand. The feelings of inadequacy and incompleteness of the former are dualistically associated with the ideas of adequacy and completeness of the latter. This duality is characteristic of psychological puerility.
A boy is inclined to hero worship. There is an idea in his head, he may not even be conscious of, and which he aspires to be like, and which thus becomes a kind of inner judge by which his sense of identity is defined. Watch your own mind and see if you can be aware of this habit. It can be surprising to notice it, since it otherwise usually operates in us unconsciously, just beneath the surface of conscious thought. Yet to be simply aware of it, to bring it to light, is the beginning of the end of it.
You may then begin to notice something remarkable.
Many so-called “men” in our society are more than a bit puerile psychologically, though physically quite advanced in years. (Actually, this is a sure sign of a society in the advanced stages of decline.) They may seek to be worshipped and obeyed as idols themselves, but this is merely the demand for worship and obedience to their own idols/mental abstractions coupled with identification. Alas, most significantly for our present geo-political situation, such men often aspire and attain to leadership positions in society, chiefly in business and politics and other hierarchy-centric institutions based on false values, despite the fact that they are, where it counts, no more than boys and not very bright ones at that.
What is more, the long term stagnation of their psychological and spiritual development in psychologically and spiritually unsanitary conditions results inevitably in corruption, so that what begins as a relatively excusable immaturity becomes increasingly a hideous form of psychological perversion. Notwithstanding this, such men, by way of their experience in the world, are often possessed of a shallow form of acumen, a kind of worldly cunningness or cleverness which, though myopic and tunnel-visioned and lacking in the humility that results from profound insight and understanding, is inclined to impress similarly maturity-challenged boy-men.
A wealthy man for instance, may have enormous influence and power completely out of proportion with his ability to use it properly and intelligently, and most importantly, non-destructively, while harbouring all manner of delusions about his actual capacity. These delusions, in turn are encouraged by the well paid yes-men with which he surrounds himself and the behind-the-scenes entities that control him. And the mass media, which is more or less controlled by such men, encourages psychological idolatry/hero worship in the general populace too, for reasons I hope you are now beginning to understand.
Of course, the idol/hero worshipper fails to understand that a mere idea, a mental abstraction, can never define a living soul. Or that a real person can never fit into the box of a mere idea of himself. (Just as mere hero-worship can never amount to actual heroism.) To see the fact of this, to make the distinction between the essentially unlimited nature of what one actually is, and the essentially limited nature of what one merely thinks or imagines oneself to be, is the beginning of psychological maturity and psychological self-sufficiency.
And now perhaps we have arrived finally at something like an adequate and worthy definition for masculinity. It is the unitary quality of psychological self-sufficiency as opposed to duality, dependence, puerility, and servility that more than anything else characterises genuine virility. And now perhaps too, you can understand why it is that the means by which young men might mature psychologically and attain to psychological self-sufficiency (and the depth of experience and happiness that follows from that) are continually under attack by those who prefer the dependence and gullibility of over aged boys and dogs, to men, for their purposes.
It is precisely for this reason that we are seeing everywhere the next step in the general demoralisation and destabilisation of our society, viz. homosexualisation.
I have recently returned from a road trip which included visits to many of the major universities on the east coast of Australia*. Homosexualist propaganda was everywhere. Where I live, the local council at one point was touting the wonders of so-called “sexual diversity” in pre-recorded phone messages while people were on hold waiting to make a general enquiry. Libraries too were being used, without public mandate, to promote homosexualist literature and groups to “young adults”. These increasing attempts at inroads into the mainstream reflect an unmistakeable, general trend right across the nation and worldwide, but perhaps in the English speaking world in particular. Again, do you really think this has anything to do, at the highest levels of policy-making, with a concern for liberty, homosexual or otherwise? If you do, you are sadly deluded.
A man caught up in the habits of homosexuality is invariably sexually incontinent and psychologically emasculated, since homosexuality is nothing more than a symptom of idolatry. For this reason, such a man will often manifest other symptoms of idolatry too, such as pettiness, puerility and vindictiveness. He may be full of bluster and bravado, with a pack of like-minded men around him or supporting him behind the scenes (or safely ensconced behind the simpletons he manipulates to do his dirty work and fight his battles for him), or he may be well-practised in pre-scripted theatre or rhetoric, but there is no way in the world he will ever have the guts and the insight to stand up on his own two feet psychologically and face the world with genuine, personal integrity. And in the end that is all that counts for men who would truly be free.
Indeed, such a man will stand up to no-one, nor will he challenge any authority, beyond mere posturing, when the issue at stake is anything but trivia, superficial inconsequence or shallow intrigue, for the simple reason that he cannot understand anything else. You may not want to hear this, or it may be far too politically incorrect to get past your conditioned response of rejection, but it remains a fact nonetheless.
Actually, homosexuality is not sexual orientation at all. It is in fact a form of sexual disorientation. And the man who identifies with it is as sadly deluded as the man who thinks he is defined by his smoking habit or drug or alcohol habit. Give them up and do they still define you? A man is not defined by something as fleeting and superficial as that which he finds pleasurable at this moment in space and time. How absurd and shallow it is to think otherwise! The habits of pleasure are always changing, always in flux, a man would be as well to identify with the weather as something so capricious and fickle as pleasure. And knowing this opens the door of the prison of enslaving habit.
There are those who claim that homosexuality is congenital. But even if this were true, what difference does it make in terms of social policy? I can be born without a limb or without eyes, does that make it any less a dysfunction? Or does that mean, for example, that we should indulge a blind man's fantasy that he can drive a car just so as to avoid discriminating against him? Even if we feel great compassion for the blind man does that seem to you sound policy? Or do we need to consider the welfare of the society as a whole? Actually it is much less insane to allow a blind man to drive than it is to allow homosexuals to 'marry' (let alone raise children, God help them!). The latter is much more destructive to society than the former. And the traitors to the human race who, from the shadows, are directing their armies of political stooges and social engineers to promote it continually, know this only too well ....
But, dear readers, the fact remains that it matters not whether one is a bachelor or a married man, chastity is inevitable, sooner or later, for the intelligent, psychologically sound and sexually continent man. No dysfunction, congenital or otherwise, need impede us. This is not a matter for mere word play. To be free of compulsive desire, and the highs and lows of idol worship that fuel it, is the very essence of psychological self sufficiency and independence. And it takes actual experience of what this feels like to know there is nothing higher or better than this. In this way we remain men, psychologically, where it counts. Our intelligence remains whole and profound and virile. And essentially humble in that one is aware of the limitations of mind and thought. That is reality. For God's sake don't believe the movies and the TV and the mass media! They can make anything seem real and alluring and psychologically viable in their world of make-believe, but real Life is something else entirely. We deny the fact of it only at our own expense.
You may also have noted the increasingly matriarchal nature of our society, another sure sign of a society in decline. But actually a matriarchal society is simply one in which evil men rule over men through unscrupulous and/or misguided women – there is never any question of feminine rule. It is a contradiction in terms.
A woman cannot truly respect and therefore love a man who is sexually incontinent and thus essentially submissive and dependent in nature. She may have an affection for him akin to what she might feel for a dog, but it will never be anything finer than that. Nor will she be deceived (for long) by mere bravado or violence or phoney power posing for masculinity and virility. Sooner or later she will despise him. Similarly a man will never be satisfied with an unchaste woman. Once the sexual allure has faded, she will be repugnant and a burden to him.
Who can be satisfied with such arrangements, man or woman? And where does that leave the children? And while man and woman are busy blaming the other for their dissatisfaction and frustration does it occur to either that it is the quality of their own minds and beings that determines the quality of their relationships? And importantly, with whom they choose to be intimate in the first place. We cannot expect to find our way in the dark, can we? Yet the narrow door to the fullness of love and life remains open to all.
Talk to men these days and so many seem to be convinced they are no higher than the animals. This is actually their conditioning, they are merely parroting back what has been instilled into them and countless others like them by the corrupt and dogmatic mass media pop culture and pseudo-scientific establishment, but they will vehemently defend that position and think it noble and uniquely their own. And of course the real tragedy is that they are right. They are no better than animals. Having cut themselves off from anything higher they are doomed to never know anything better.
Interestingly, though these men declare themselves equal with animals they almost invariably do not see any inconsistency in eating them. Apparently their notions of equality extend only to those carnivores and omnivores they find gastronomically unpalatable. (I think if I were an animal I would prefer inferiority to a man too compassionate to eat me than “equality” with one that would.) Clearly it is the law of the jungle and not inter-species equality with which these men actually identify, and it is thus the law of the jungle that determines the tiny and limited experience they mistake for the sum total of Reality. And the sex deception has played a significant role in the overall degradation of our men-folk in this way, and so too our community, our family unity and our way of life.
Now consider this for a moment. Isn't it disgusting? To take a man's natural susceptibilities and pervert them deliberately just so you can control him and use him and spit out the mess that he amounts to when he is is no longer of any use to you, is disgusting.
Consider also the young women who serve the ends of the people in the business of exploiting, manipulating and perverting our sexuality so as to extract from us our freedom. That freedom is our birth-right. And these people are the basest of thieves. The women that serve them may look very attractive and alluring and may affect us in very pressing ways, but be sure of this: though they may be, to varying extents, as much victims of misdirection and deception or even intimidation, as the men they are used to target, the ones who do their job most effectively know full well the true nature of what they do for cash. They know that what they are essentially doing is deceiving you. Confusing you. Taking your natural affection and appreciation for their physical allure, or their feminine charm, and using that to mislead you. And it's all done with a smile on their face and a clever script, skilful make-up and the latest fashion, a come hither look and a catchy tune, or a dance step and a false lyric. Or with an expression we naturally associate with intimacy, tenderness and trust, yet what could be further from the truth?
Do you see the deception now gentlemen? The subtlety of it?
“Am I evil?”, asks the poster on the busy city street.
“Well yes, you are evil”, we answer. “If you are allowing yourself to be used for evil purposes, either out of ignorance or recklessness or just sheer greed and wickedness, then yes indeed you are.”
But we must be careful to make the distinction that effectively deprives the sex deception of its power to deceive.
Sex per se is a natural function of the human body. Uncomplicated by false ideology and idolatry, and free thus of any imposition or impropriety, it is neither disgusting nor evil. It has its time and place in our lives and is our own private affair. It need not be incontinent or enslaving or degrading. Indeed it may form part of a non-compulsive, conjugal affection and commitment, providing thus the basis for marriage and family life.
If you must have a family, however, remember that new life is sacred, and choose very carefully and wisely who you make the mother of your children. Conduct yourself with sobriety and intelligence so as to avoid mistakes, lest the very fruit of your loins, the flesh of your own flesh, your children no less, become yet another means to manipulate and control and enslave you.
And let us be clear about this: the mass exploitation and manipulation of sex and sexuality, just so some creep at the top of the heap can keep us all “in our place” and subject to his beck and call is hideous. It is both evil and oppressive, and very much so.
*Note: the road trip referred to above took place in 2014.
 Other Recommended Reads
1. The Greatest Swindle of All Time
In war, truth is the first casualty ....
Consider the following quotations from Professor Norman Finkelstein, Jewish-American political scientist and author of “The Holocaust Industry”. Keep in mind that Finkelstein's parents were prisoners at Auschwitz and Majdanek and both survived the war:
"The Holocaust may yet turn out to be the greatest robbery in the history of mankind."
"Much of the literature on Hitler's Final Solution is worthless as scholarship. Indeed, the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense if not sheer fraud."
"Given the nonsense that is turned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics."
For the facts gentlemen, not the Hollywood production, click here.
2. The Money Trap: Do I Need to be a Slave to Money?
(Applying the Scientific Method to the Question of Liberty)
Are we the unwitting slaves of a hidden hand?
Read the article
3. The Rosenhan Experiment
The professor's trick that exposed the ongoing psychiatry fraud ....
It's 1972. Eight men and women and a psychology professor walk into various psychiatric hospitals in the US pretending to be hearing voices. Immediately institutionalized by all the hospitals bar none they then return to their normal behaviour. Will any of the psychiatrists or nurses on the hospital staff spot the deception? What happens next will shatter any illusions you may have about psychiatry forever ....
“The fact that the patients often recognized normality when staff did not raises important questions.”
"Any diagnostic process that lends itself too readily to massive errors of this sort cannot be a very reliable one."
- D.L.Rosenhan, psychologist